Dan…I just wanted to let you know that my wife made me two bologna sandwiches for my lunch today. I'm freaking starving right now because I threw them both in the trash! Then I had to try and explain to the guys at work why… They also thought it was funny (also made it "awkward"). I'm not sure how long it's gonna take me to eat another sandwich without getting grossed out.
So I read this post early this morning and felt bad all day for causing you to be unable to eat lunch. I was so burdened that I went to the park at lunch to pray about it. The Lord immediately lifted my burden and told me that your having a weak stomach was NOT my fault, and that He's disappointed that you would 1) waste food 2) fail to appreciate bologna and mayonnaise (two of His favorite creations) and 3) take your wife's hard work for granted. He said that there are starving children in Africa who'd love to have a bologna sandwich and there are love-starved hillbilly men in SE Ohio who'd love to have a wife make them a sandwich. He says you should count your blessings, and you owe both Him and your wife an apology.
On the plus side, He said one thing he really loves about you is your thirst for knowledge and your search for truth, and your ball-busting TOO brothers should leave you alone - He wholly supports the idea of you sticking your head in a coyote den. Amen.
(Forgive me Lord and bless all the little pigmy children) :smiley_crocodile: