First deer I kill this year will be all burger (except the loins). I will try to kill 2 for my family. I donated one to FHFH from Hocking County last year. I saw so many deer on those properties it was unbelievable. I think you could kill one each day and never run out. It seemed to be an exception to what some of you guys talk about SE Ohio. I put the next two in my freezer. The last deer I killed last year went to my foreman's family. He didn't get one and has 3 girls at home that love wild game. He and his family were very appreciative.
I have 3 properties with a ton of does. One property I do not intend on shooting any does unless things change when I get in the stand. On camera I am not seeing a ton of does on this property but during turkey season I saw 8-9 pile out at once. I don't know. I guess I am fortunate to have 3 properties I would kill does on considering I live in a low deer density county.
I have 3 properties with a ton of does. One property I do not intend on shooting any does unless things change when I get in the stand. On camera I am not seeing a ton of does on this property but during turkey season I saw 8-9 pile out at once. I don't know. I guess I am fortunate to have 3 properties I would kill does on considering I live in a low deer density county.