Seeing the time stamps on this pictures after almost three weeks of nothing from him, I about pissed myself! Now if we can only keep him alive until next year and then get him inside 40 yards of me in the fall!!! (Tracie killing him this year would be cool too!!!)
I'm 100% positive that Boss made it through the weekend alive and well also. He now gets a pass for the rest of the year. This deer has loads of potential...
This is a new buck from my honey hole. I had better pics, but my SD card got wiped out somehow. Not sure what was wrong with his eye, but it looks like it hurts! I had some head on pics and the eye does not shine in the IR light. He is also 18-19" wide and looks much more impressive from the front...

I'm 100% positive that Boss made it through the weekend alive and well also. He now gets a pass for the rest of the year. This deer has loads of potential...

This is a new buck from my honey hole. I had better pics, but my SD card got wiped out somehow. Not sure what was wrong with his eye, but it looks like it hurts! I had some head on pics and the eye does not shine in the IR light. He is also 18-19" wide and looks much more impressive from the front...