Thanks Ric!.... Funniest hunt to date as well. First thing that happened was we spotted a jake and two hens out in the field. We are in a creek completely hid from them. We watch for 5 min or so and all the sudden a helicopter flies right over top of us and they scatter. We think its over and as we are getting ready to leave we peek back out and there is a tom in full strut 80 yards out in the middle of the So my buddy starts creeping up the creek and I stay where I am so I can watch it all happen. It was his turn to kill one since he killed the first bird. Anyways he is crawling at this point and he's around 50 yards from it and he makes a noise. By this time the jake had come back out of the woods and is with tom. So after they here the noise and instead of running from us they run straight to their south and that is going to put them right in my shooting Jason has no idea what they are doing cause he is down over a bank so what do I do, I grab my gun and shoot Jason probably about shit himself cause he had no idea I was going to was that funny!!!... Then it made it even better when I found out a friend of mine had been hunting that bird for three hunted it for 10