Thanks guys...
First time I hunted out of a blind all year. I got settled before 7:00 and it felt good to be able to move around and not be worried about sitting still all the time. Now the view is only about 20 yards wide and about 30 yards to the honeysuckle and saplings to the front. The strip is shaped like a 'J' and the blind is near the bend at the bottom of the long part of the "J".
At 9:10 I saw the front ankles of a deer through the overgrown honeysuckle branch that was shielding the blind on my right. Then I saw a nose, then and another set of legs of a smaller deer. They were only about 12 yards or so from the blind. I thought "here's my chance for a doe" and I slowly began to raise my old Horton Hunter crossbow up, anticipating a shot.
The doe took a few steps and came into full view, she looked at the blind for second and then put her head down. Not falling for the old "put the head down and look back up quick trick", I remained still. She gave it the second look and then took a few more steps and stopped broadside.
As I slowly raised the crossbow to my shoulder I eased the safety off but it made a metallic "click". At the sound she scampered a few steps and stopped just at my sight limit out of the left side of the window. By that time I was on her and sent a 2219 XX75 aluminum with a 125 gr. Spitfire her way. It hit true and she took off in a flash to my left, out of sight, and into a waist high weed field.
When I eventually went to where she was standing when I shot I found blood splatter everywhere. It took me about a half hour of slow tracking in the tall grass/weeds until I found her, I just about stepped on her before I seen her. One for the freezer.
It took less than 10 seconds from the time when I first saw her to the shot!