I have to harvest two doe in this urban spot I hunt before I can shoot a buck. I know it's getting into the rut so I'm trying to knock them down quick. Wish I did it a few weeks ago!
Its been a drag for me. Hunted everyday from the 30th through 11th. Saw 7 scrubs consistently and was covered with does most days. Sounds like I took the wrong week to hunt. Had to work this last week and I guess most the action took place then. Hunted this am and only saw 2. A few days ago, I saw my target buck a mile up the road. He hasnt shown back up on my trail cameras.
No but he's still alive. They, top 3 hit lists, have headed to the no hunting ground. They'll head back out after gun season. One target buck got killed a couple weeks ago. I've hunted more this year than ever but all I've had is bad luck...lol
Keep at it boys! At least you guys are still seeing them and it hasn't gone dry like other guys on the forum. I'm heading to NY for Thanksgiving and shotgun hunting up there. Ill keep you guys posted and good luck to everyone.
Possibly my worst deer season ever. Makes it even worse with the warmer temps moving in. I know of one buck on another property hanging out in a small 15 acre wood patch. Im planning on dumping corn and a camin it tomorrow and let it run a week or so.