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Team 13 - Lucky 13


Junior Member
Stark County
Lucky 13.gif

Lucky 13?


Junior Member
Stark County
I'll be gone until Sunday night. I need to get a new roof on my house in Carrollton. I'm good with whatever the group decides for a name. Have a good weekend, gentlemen.


Junior Member
Here is a pic of one of my target bucks, this pic is from 2013 on my grandpas 150 acre farm. No trail cam pics this year but my grandpa has seen him all summer. Hopefully he's grown atleast a little bit from last year. Only thing is my 3 cousins also hunt the property, they usually do more harm then good tho, haha
I also have a my honey hole where Ive glassed a 160 ish buck two times this august, and three times last year. He always seems to disappear when the season starts, hopefully he makes a mistake and i can bagem this year.
Anybody got any target deer theyre after?



spencerville oh
Here is a pic of one of my target bucks, this pic is from 2013 on my grandpas 150 acre farm. No trail cam pics this year but my grandpa has seen him all summer. Hopefully he's grown atleast a little bit from last year. Only thing is my 3 cousins also hunt the property, they usually do more harm then good tho, haha
I also have a my honey hole where Ive glassed a 160 ish buck two times this august, and three times last year. He always seems to disappear when the season starts, hopefully he makes a mistake and i can bagem this year.
Anybody got any target deer theyre after?

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I have two I have been watching all summer but they have changed patterns and I haven't seen them for a couple weeks I assume they are still around and hitting the acorns. I haven't ran many cams this year. I'm kinda going off of my past years and same stands for now. May have too switch and ambush mode just have to wait and see. I'm behind this year but I did find some good sign tonight and hung a stand.


Junior Member
Stark County
I'll be doing a lot of driving this year to hunt, that's for sure. Probably the next couple years from the looks of things. I'm not digging the forced change of scenery. At least I have a couple options though. It could be much worse.


Junior Member
Ill be driving to my hunting spots for the first time this year having just moved in Feb, but cant complain TOO much as its only 45 or 50 min to both of my main spots. Like you said it could be worse. I didnt run cams this year as buying and getting situated into my house has taken a lot of time, but have had the oppurtunity to glass the fields and see a good amount of deer activity on the properties i hunt.
Oh yeah, only 5 more days!!!!!


Senior Member
No target bucks. The two places I have left to hunt are rut woods. Only good for a couple weeks. Have seen up to 14 different bucks in a 5 morning span. See em once usually. ..


Senior Member
That was my record. Last year was only 3. Dad checked the a camera today. This was the only non 2 year old buck on the camera .
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Junior Member
Stark County
That is a nice one.

The guy who owns the farm I hunt down in Danville was out at our place tonight checking on his bees and we got to talking. He says he's been seeing deer all over that property all summer long and that there are a couple bucks there that I would probably be happy to see. I told him I'd head down there in a couple weeks for the antlerless muzzle loader season and take a look around, but from the way he made things sound it's looking pretty good down there. Now I'm getting excited.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Looks like you guys have a few nice ones running around! Best of luck to those hunting this weekend! The earliest I will have an opportunity to go would be Tuesday evening, but I'm not wasting my time if it's hot.