I went out yesterday for all day. Nothing went right from the beginning.
I broke my quiver braket.
I am putting my coveralls on at the stand and my left foot went in the legging very tight and then I couldn't pull up the sleeve. I put my damn foot in the sleeve and can't get it out. I am now laying on the ground trying to get it out. Finally do.
Then my lens dropped out of my glasses. Out comes the flashlight on all fours looking for it. Got back in.
I'm in the stand and 8:00 the damn lens drops out again and hits the foot rest and down to the ground. Down I go and I have no idea where it bounces to. 5 minutes later with the flashlight I find it on the other side of the ladder.
I get my knife out to tighten the screw and nick myself and with blood thinners I bleed like a stuck pig.
See nothing till 10:30 and the wind picks up strong out of the east and blowing right on me. I did see a small buck chasing a doe at about 400 yrds.
At 10:30 I am still bleeding so I pack it in and do some stand maintence.
I get home and when uncocking my bow the damn string jumped off the cams.
I was so damn tired yesterday now I have to make a 50 mile trip to BassPro this morning to see if they can restring my bow.
The only thing that didn't happen is I didn't fall out of the ladder stand. Yet.
I didn't tell you about the 7 trips up and down the ladder. I dropped my quiver, my gloves fell out when I was looking for the lens, 3 trips bringing the gear up. And the other trip I won't discuss.
If I could have seen in the future I would have stayed home. But hey I had good intentions in the beginning.
If BassPro can't restring my bow I will put my Draw-Loc attacment on another bow. Then I will have to resight in. Another day wasted.
Wish me luck.