This is what I like to see. Team 6 the Big Rack SNatchers are putting on a clinic for the rest of the teams! With well over a 100 pt lead, we should probably start giving out some tips for everyone! ha I havent been in a tree stand but one time since I killed my buck on October 30th. Which typically isnt like me! Since duck season is a little different this year with the season dates it has changed the way I hunt after I shot my buck. I Will be out in a stand before long. I Will bowhunt more, but I am killing to many ducks rt now. I Will get my third and final deer for the contest. So just go ahead and chalk up another 5 pts for the big rack snatchers! :smiley_coolpeace:
Good luck to all of you still hunting for your bucks. Be patient and persistant....Dont give up.. giving up is for alcoholics. You cant kill bucks sitting on your couch or sleepnig in.