Finally helped the team out today. My buddy has been taking me out to one of his farms the last few hunts and we've had a great time casing a bird around. The 1st day we went l, the bird was gobbling really well, and flew down our way, only to get hung up after putting on a good show. He went after his hens. He seemed like an old bird with a choking gobble. The 2nd hunt, we set up closer. This time he flew down and came to within about 50 yards, I just didn't feel comfortable with a shot. He ended up breaking back over the hill to find his ladies. Today we decided we were going to try and slip a little closer, and go up above him a little bit so we could see a little further. This bird is an early riser. He had been gobbling well before daylight, and he flies down before shooting light. Well today, we heard nothing, we got in early and waited for him. After getting a little nervous, he finally let out a gobble well after his usual time. He was to our right about 75 yards roosted. Long story short, he acted wierd, and flew down away from us with his hen(s). So we backed out, and as we were leaving the road, my buddy noticed a few turkeys in a feild across the road that belonged to the same farm. So we went down to where we could park and slip in on them. They were on a long looking pasture feild with a powerline running through it.