A ziplock bag of chex mix. NICE! :smiley_crocodile:
Wood chips. I did see some rice krispie treats in here.
A ziplock bag of chex mix. NICE! :smiley_crocodile:
Wood chips. I did see some rice krispie treats in here.
Thanks Chad ! The way the dogs were sniffing the box before I opened it, I figured that thong was still in there somewhere...lol
Dogs always sniff my balls, so I'm pretty sure that's why the thong gets their attention. LOL
If Kendra won't model it then get her sister TOO!
Oh I forgot. I ended up taking the thermal socks, so thank you again to whomever. Even with a bit bigger box, I still had a time trying to get everything back in. The wife & I almost had an argument on how to pack the damn thing ...lol
Dustinb80....... Do you have cat food at your house?rotflmao