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The death of a Monarch

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Congratulations buddy! Glad it was either you or Joe that got him! This old monarch definitely lived by his wits, most do! That's why he ran to the pile at last light! Gotta love and respect these old warriors!

Team 6 just might win this contest now if you and my bro ever get around to posting up the measurements of your deer that is! Rotflmao

Gross 160's?

Thanks a lot guys. Never thought I'd get another shot at him but this weather had to get him up
. Not very often do you get a second chance at a buck of this caliber...

Just scored him. Grossed 181.1 and nets 168.7... Both beams measured exactly 28.2. Them sticker points might get a hammer...lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The smile says it all. Hard earned and well deserved smile. I am happy for you and Joe. Glad one of you got him. Both of you worked to put a tag on him. Probably feels like a reward for Joe as well. If not, he isn't a very good friend. lol

I know this is not the case. I am sure Joe is extremely happy for you.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The smile says it all. Hard earned and well deserved smile. I am happy for you and Joe. Glad one of you got him. Both of you worked to put a tag on him. Probably feels like a reward for Joe as well. If not, he isn't a very good friend. lol

I know this is not the case. I am sure Joe is extremely happy for you.

I'm glad one of us finally killed that crafty bastard. 24 hours ago almost to the minute.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Neat feeling that it's over.......But it's not. Just made room for the next one to come along. Great Job Guys.....Great Job!


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Just read your story again and very happy that you and Joe have closed this chapter on a old warrior. With all of your history together, Tank fell to one of you, as it should be. I am sure he has a gene pool started and you guys will be hunting tall 10 pointers in the next couple years. Lol. Congrats again.


Junior Member
NE Ohio
A true monarch indeed buddy. And I'm happy he fell to you and not anyone else. You put your work in not only the last three weeks but the last three years that's for sure. We both did. I was just sitting here reminiscing on all the crap we've gone through chasing that sucker. I know we've hauled over 300 lbs of salt. Put thousands of miles on trucks road scouting. Braved black flies so thick checking cams you can swat at one and hit three others on accident. The hundreds upon hundreds of hours on stand. The couple tons of corn. And the likely thousands of texts back and forth about him. It's been a journey friend. And in glad you got him.

This was one of the most crafty bucks I've ever encountered. His home range was probably 4 miles wide by 4 miles long. One week he was here, the next he was there. A true nomad that knew his safe zones and knew them well. I put a stalk on him to 60 yards last year after seeing him laying along a farm road. I'll never forget. I parked my truck, walked back out to the road keeping the truck between me an him and called you. You brought me out your bow and we drove down the road for a few practice shots. The wind shifted when I got to about 60 yards and he was gone. This year during shotgun he crossed the road from where you shot him in to the field where I hunt and I took a shot. Or three. At him in the field.

It seems so surreal that we put that much time into one deer and he beat us at every step. Not today though. In the end it came down to two piles of corn not 1/4 mile apart. Mine up by the stump stand and yours across the road. Id say were were pretty much zoned in on him. Good stuff brother. And it was awesome that I was right across the road hunting when you shot and was able to help drag that slob to your truck. I knew one of us would eventually kill him. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

The original pic when he showed up on our cam three years ago.
View attachment 18901

Here he is last year.
View attachment 18900

Congrats.. that is amazing deer and will giver you hunting memories for years to come.. Great job and best of luck trying to top that one. what a story and what a accomplishment...