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The Moon - What do we know?


Junior Member
The woods
I think you might be on to something, brother. On opening day, several of the deer that I watched were browsing heavily on the leaves of young maples.

I have noticed this. I have always just thought it was because the deer ran all night and bedded down earlier in the morning. But perhaps the moon moving to overhead has something to do with it too.

Yes sir, It has to do with both. The moon isnt a solve all, but it definately is another resource that I think smart hunters take advantage of.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Still trying to figure this deal out. I looked on Intellicast which JB recommended. I saw moonrise and moonset. I did not see when the moon would be directly underfoot. Moonrise was around midnight and set was 218pm or something. Does this say the evening "should" produce more activity than a morning hunt? Not sure it matters as I will be out whenever the schedule allows. Just trying to make connections and take notes of which mornings or evenings are "supposed" to be better for activity.


Junior Member
The woods
Still trying to figure this deal out. I looked on Intellicast which JB recommended. I saw moonrise and moonset. I did not see when the moon would be directly underfoot. Moonrise was around midnight and set was 218pm or something. Does this say the evening "should" produce more activity than a morning hunt? Not sure it matters as I will be out whenever the schedule allows. Just trying to make connections and take notes of which mornings or evenings are "supposed" to be better for activity.


I do not know anywhere to find the overhead and underfoot times online. I'm sure you could find somewhere, but I have never really tried. Every year I buy the Deer Hunters moon guide, which I posted a link to earlier in this thread. It is very inexpensive, and takes all the guess work out of hunting by the moon. Just look at the thread in the bowhunting section about last night being a good night. A hunter with this moon guide could have already told you that a year ago and made sure he got out.


Participation Trophy Winner
Oct 15 the moon will be on the same schedule as the sun. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1349725864.486249.jpg


Junior Member
The woods
http://weather2hunt.com/moon/Has a moon data forcaster tool...If you would lonewolfNopack check your moon guide an cross reference it to that forecaster an let us know if any of if jives together..I am very curious

Looks like you have to be a member to view any of the data. Tomorrow the moon is scheduled to be directly overhead at 8:02 am. Should be a great morning hunt. Does this match with the websites data?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Would it be safe too assume that if the time differance from rise too set is about 12 hrs roughly then roughly 6 hours after rise it would be somewhere close too being overhead???? Or for that fact underfoot?????


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I've used intellicast for a couple years now and found it highly accurate. The hourly wind and temp change is spot on. Most accurate I've found so far!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't know if the moon helped or not but I have a doe hanging right now. Hahaha. In all honesty, this morning the deer were bedded up when I was walking in. I hadn't bumped one yet this year until this morning. Bumped 4 does then a basket 8 a hundred yards later. In regards to morning activity, the only deer I saw on its feet was the one I killed. Not sure what to make of all that. Like I said, I was planning on being on stand either way. Tonight a buddy killed a massive doe and said he saw 11 turkeys and 5 deer.
Looks like you have to be a member to view any of the data. Tomorrow the moon is scheduled to be directly overhead at 8:02 am. Should be a great morning hunt. Does this match with the websites data?

It says PM and fair..You select month,day and year..It will have one box that comes up AM or PM or midday(or all 3) and another that will say fair,good,very good or excellent.I don't have enough experience to say its jives or doesn't.I just was wondering if it and anyone elses methods/theories said similar things at similar times and dates?

It also has section that shows a 5 day forecast accounting for temp,precip,sky and wind and overall its list them in a bar graph.Then another graph is 24hr forecast 50 points max for each of barometric pressure,baro trend,wind,precip, dew point and sky(total 300 points..It says 230 out of 300 pts for the next 24hrs for my area..Another graph shows 5 days for THE BIG THREE(as they call them) moon phase,sky and wind....Cant say I do or dont put any stock in the site...Be nice if some of you more experienced guys spent some time with it an gave some thoughts on it..

I feel I am learning alot from this thread,yet I am more confused...:smiley_confused_vra .I thought it was free to sign up for weather2hunt.But who knows maybe I did pay something at some point?
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Junior Member
The woods
It says PM and fair..You select month,day and year..It will have one box that comes up AM or PM or midday(or all 3) and another that will say fair,good,very good or excellent.I don't have enough experience to say its jives or doesn't.I just was wondering if it and anyone elses methods/theories said similar things at similar times and dates?

It also has section that shows a 5 day forecast accounting for temp,precip,sky and wind and overall its list them in a bar graph.Then another graph is 24hr forecast 50 points max for each of barometric pressure,baro trend,wind,precip, dew point and sky(total 300 points..It says 230 out of 300 pts for the next 24hrs for my area..Another graph shows 5 days for THE BIG THREE(as they call them) moon phase,sky and wind....Cant say I do or dont put any stock in the site...Be nice if some of you more experienced guys spent some time with it an gave some thoughts on it..

I feel I am learning alot from this thread,yet I am more confused...:smiley_confused_vra .I thought it was free to sign up for weather2hunt.But who knows maybe I did pay something at some point?

It probably is free, you just have to create an account and put your email address, and I usually do not do that too much as to avoid junk email. Sounds like it has some good info on it as far as detailed forcast and barometric pressure. Maybe I will sign up. You talk to 5 guys and they probably will tell you 5 different things about hunting by the moon. There is more than one theory, and that is probably why you are confused. The one I have told about I have found to be highly effective, and I believe it is the best theory to go by.


Junior Member
The woods
Would it be safe too assume that if the time differance from rise too set is about 12 hrs roughly then roughly 6 hours after rise it would be somewhere close too being overhead???? Or for that fact underfoot?????

It's not quite that exact, but yes roughly that could be close to being accurate.


Staff member
I am now addicted to the app Mike suggested called iSolunar. According to that app, the next "3 fish day" will be Frida and I may be able to hunt that day. The best it rates a day is with 4 fish, so I figure any 3 and 4 fish day is worth a look if the weather is good. The only catch here is that the peak activity is going to be around 10:42 that day and I can't hunt the morning. This moon thing sure it entertaining!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wasn't tonight supposed to be a good night? I was skunked. Talked to a buddy a couple miles away and he was also skunked. I am still very intrigued by this and will continue taking notes and reading.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wasn't tonight supposed to be a good night? I was skunked. Talked to a buddy a couple miles away and he was also skunked. I am still very intrigued by this and will continue taking notes and reading.

I don't think it was supposed to be good unless I'm reading this stuff wrong.

The way I read that is it should've been a good morning but the evening would have late movement just after dark. Maybe I'm wrong though.


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
I am hunting in the morning and it says rise is 0122 and set is 1506 I will be in a tree and set up by 0640 and im hoping and praying that today will be a good morning for me! I need to get these pink vanes bloody! lol I guess I will find out in about 6 hours!