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The Moon - What do we know?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I saw deer from 10 minutes after getting in the stand last night until it was time to get down...saw a few does and had a small buck come and harass 3 does in front of me. It was a really good hunt. if the moon times indicated anything last night was excellent


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Today's peak movement was to be 9:58am to 12:58pm withe moon overhead at 11:28. I saw deer starting at 9:45 with my last sighthing at 11:00. I had to leave the stand at noon, unfortunately.

I was ready to crush the myth of the solunar table and then, BAM! They started moving.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The moon set today at 6:37 here in Greenfield. The pizza shop looked more like a Friday night than a Tuesday... We have seating for 52, and I think there were about 60 people in here trying to eat with deliveries going out as fast as we could open the door. It was nuts.

Anyone hunt this evening and if so, did you see an unusually high amount of activity?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It says Sat and Sunday evening peak correct?

I have no idea what "it" says. What I do know is the moon was setting close to sundown, and that always makes for a great day of hunting- at least that's what I've observed. I fully realize my observations are far from scientific, and it is entirely possible to think you have proven most anything without a solid control... so I may be way off, but I don't think I am. :)

I don't know if it was a good evening to hunt, but people sure went on a feeding frenzy!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I couldn't hunt. What I could do was drive around the block after dropping Graci off at volleyball at 6pm. Stopped and talked to a farmer waiting in the semi for his brother to dump the combine. Took off again and drove around another 3-4miles on my 2 mile drive home. I saw deer in 4 different locations. I saw 2 groups of does. I saw a young buck which appeared to be working a scrape. I will never know for sure though. I slammed on the brakes when I saw him at the last second and by the time I turned around he was walking down the fence row. lol

Rain tomorrow afternoon. Looks like I am hitting it in the morning.


Staff member
Deer were all over my yard tonight. It would have been a great night to be out. With the heat and wind keeping them down last night, the new moon, and the cool weather tonight, it was a great night to be out. Just wish that's what I was doing instead of working late!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This weekend, weather permitted, should be on fire. Both Saturday and Sunday the "Moontimes" are very close to being directly overhead and underfoot at sunrise and again at sunset. If you can hunt, get out.

I heard a couple of TOO guys were hunting this weekend. Sounds like Strouds Run might need to restock after the weekend.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did anyone see any deer this evening while on the road? Moontime was 5pm and we have killing weather.

You're talking about the moon being overhead at 5 pm right? I think moonset was sometime after 9 pm here in Medina county tonight. I did hunt this evening and saw a pretty good amount of movement. I saw 7 does, but no bucks. The does were acting pretty playful, too. The first group of 4 that came through (around 6 oclock I think) were running, chasing each other and jumping around. It was pretty funny to watch actually. I was set up in the woods a couple hundred yards in from the corn field.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I saw nothing last night. Didn't make it out road scouting tonight. I remember Brock saying something along the lines of "A front will always trump the moon". Seems like this might be the case.

Moon overhead: 532PM
Moon rise: 1236PM
Moon set: 1027PM
Moon underfoot: 557am

This is what I see according to "Time2Hunt Lite" App on my phone.