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The things you see on back roads


Senior Member
Headlight relocation


Staff member
Wasn't on a backroad and I couldn't take a picture, but I had one of the coolest near-miss wildlife encounters I've had in nearly 30 years of driving last night.

I was in Cincy for work yesterday and was rolling through Pike County around 8:30P. About 100 yards before I got to the bridge over the Scioto River, I caught movement on the righthand side of the road just at the edge of my headlights. My first thought was "skunk" then it registered that it was too big and too shiny to be a skunked, and that there were two of the same animals making their way into the ditch.

As I was processing it in the second or two that passed after first seeing them, I caught more movement in the median about to crossing in front of me. When I first saw it, it was a "WTF" moment. "Dog... no. Coyote... no. That's a fucking otter!" Yep. Turned out it was a family of river otters and the one I slammed on the breaks to miss was HUGE! I've only seen them swimming in the river once or twice at most in my life, never running across pavement like that. Without a doubt, it was a fully mature adult and really cool to see. I'm also happy I didn't kill it because they're super cool animals, but also there's no way it wouldn't have messed up the front of my wife's ride!