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The TOO Duck Report


*Supporting Member III*
Hit it up this morn. Swung though Ohio for a quick trip to the family farm. Fly home tomorrow. Did some scouting for November and busted a goose. A successful trip!


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Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Man i hate you guys. I keep looking at this thread and now i really want to try water foul. I dont really need another expensive hobby.

Expensive is an understatement. I have WAY more money in my waterfowl gear than turkey and deer combined. It is a hell of a good time though!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Woodies came in hot and heavy this morning... saw a pair of mallards flying high, and no geese in the vicinity. Here's a couple of my favorites from today.



Active Member
Norton, OH
The woodies definitely were flying this weekend. Managed two out of 8 shots. And that's not counting the ones that never gave me a chance to get the gun up. Should I admit I sucked that bad??? Lol!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I managed to get off work early yesterday and headed to a cut sileage field just south of town. I have permission to hunt over 1200 acres of dairy farm ground, so it usually works out pretty well.

A couple days ago I drove by this field and saw 2-300 geese out there, congregating around a flooded hole in the middle. I tried to get there as quickly as possible yesterday, but when I got there I had to kick almost 100 birds out. I set up fast, but like a dumbass I forgot to mud my layout blind. Needless to say, the first flight of geese that came in flared on the first pass. So I got out and mudded the blind good. It helped because I had the next couple flights come in close, I mean real close. I had one goose feet-down not 5 feet in front of me. Only problem was, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn for some reason. A little rusty shooting from the ol layout blind I guess. I managed to get one goose, and just before I decided to call it quits, here came two mallards into the shooting hole... Two shots fired, two dead mallards. Started out rough but ended on a good note.


Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Nice! A friend and I took the boats out to kokosing lake for an early morning hunt. Had probably 20-25 woodies flying around, but only 2 came in close enough to shoot. They flew in behind us, so we only got one. The boys had fun though. One boy is 12, and the twins are 14. It was the first time hunting from a boat tor the twins, so they enjoyed it. And the good news was the new blind was a breeze to setup, and seemed to blend in very well with the surroundings. I think it is going to work out great.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Skunked this afternoon. The sunny, clear skies must have kept the geese on the roost/loafing spots for too long because I never saw a single bird. That damn sunset comes way to fast it seems!!! Lol.