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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Poison ivy. Hate it. I have it again. I can tolerate it most times. Pretty sure it is in my eyes now. That is something I can't tolerate. Need to crash. Wake up in morning and see how it is. I am hoping it is an allergy thing and not poison ivy that has my eyes itchy and swollen. It is so muggy, if this is poison ivy I will be screwed. I'll be lucky if I get any outdoor work done this week. Yuck. Crossing my fingers and hoping it disappears. If not, I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow for a shot.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Old home remedy CJD and I use is Silver Weed that grows all over our place. But if it's in your eyes that's not good. Best of luck, I hate that crap!!!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I use Jewel Weed, it makes the stuff go away pretty quick. Never used it on my face though. If think that'd be worth going in and getting a shot. Good luck man.


Senior Member
If you can't beat them....join them.

If you makes you feel better Phil....I made it camp Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to clear trails.

We have Autumn Olive which grows like 10 feet per year. I've got a million of them. Every other year the stuff needs cut back to keep our trails clear.

At my worst point this weekend I had a poison ivy vine wrapped around my arm and neck. I had shit flying everywhere with the chain saw.

I drove home yesterday with my right eye a constant blur. It still is and hard to focus. My arms are all cut up and I keep itching and waiting for the first blister to arise.

If it gets bad...simply say, "Uncle", and call the Doc for a steroid shot. I'm not there yet....its wait and see. I'm only half done with this project.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I feel you Ben. Not bad on the arms and legs. I can tolerate it. The right eye is not swollen shut today, but itches like mad. I will stay inside and do invoicing today. I will see what tomorrow brings. Good luck to you, Ben.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I use Jewel Weed, it makes the stuff go away pretty quick. Never used it on my face though. If think that'd be worth going in and getting a shot. Good luck man.

I think that is the same thing we call Silver Weed. Works great and dries that crap out fast!!


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
If I know I am in it I get right in the shower and scrub and I mean scrub with Dawn Dish Soap. It cuts the oil and so far ( Knock On Wood ) it has worked.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I use Jewel Weed, it makes the stuff go away pretty quick. Never used it on my face though. If think that'd be worth going in and getting a shot. Good luck man.

That's all I've ever used. Jewel weed with the little orange trumpet flower.
It works good on fly bites too. Helps reduce the itch and pain.