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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
So I'm 7500 foot above sea level in Estes, CO., walking down a street and a hippie looking chick in a hunter orange shirt and a clip board approaches me and my friend and asks if she can have a few min. of my time to talk about saving the dolfins... "SAVE THE DOLPHINS!?!?!?!?! were 7500 feet above sea level in the Colorado rockies!!! Are you out of your friggen mind??? NO!" We walk away and cross the street.

On the other side are 2 more hippies in orange shirts w/ clip boards. Half way across they see us and turn our way. Adam (my friend) says under his breath "I got this"
They catch us as we hit the curb and say" May we take a few min. of your time to talk about saving the rain forest?"
Caught a little off guard by a different question but only for a moment, Adam (former oil/gas driller now co-man) replies " Naaa. I'm all about cutten down trees and punch en holes in mother earth"

I laughed out loud. She gasped.
No further questions.
S.O.B. Com on. is there nowhere safe?

True story.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mike when did they start graduating with ceremony from preschool? Talked to one of my reservists today and he filled me in on the whole ceremony.... all I got to say is wow..... close too a hundred bucks for cap and gown etc

She does that on tuesday I think. Talk about stupid! We had the option to buy a cap and gown or borrow one from the stock. We borrowed!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio

Just in case someone needs it.............:smiley_clap:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stopped for diesel for truck and tractor last night at the local Fuel Mart. Some truck driver muslim was blocking one of the pumps and facing NE doing some prayer or worship. Pissed me off. I went in to ask if they sold bacon. They didn't. I know they sell beer, but I had the boys with me and needed to drive them home. I would have loved to have bought a Hustler, 6-pack, and package of bacon and sat down next to the guy. I would have eaten raw bacon, while flipping thru a Hustler, and washed it down with a beer. Been my luck I would have been nailed for public intox and a hate crime. Bastards! Dump is done. Thanks for listening.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Yesterday I didn't have time to do my dump, so I'll take care of it this morning. Yesterday was a perfectly good day at work. Until 4o'clock rolled around. Just as I was getting ready to leave to go home and enjoy some Friday evening brews the Secretary comes in and proceeds to tell me that a customer just called in and has their gas shut off due to a gas leak. FUGGGGG!!!!!! Made it home at 10o'clock just in time to go pick up the daughter from a youth group activity. Shower and climb in bed on a empty stomach. Not the Friday evening I envisioned.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not cool Hoyt! Well, off to the shower I go. Daughter has a dance recital I will be attending tonight. uuggggghhhh! Definitely dump worthy. Can't wait to see all the fat mom's trying to live vicariously thru their kids. I dread these things. I will be there for my daughter, but outside of her one dance, it is 3+hrs of pain and torture.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Had to take off work a little early yesterday to go home and have my dog that we have had for 13 years put to sleep. Best damn dog I ever had and a loyal friiend too.

Now I'm at work and can't complete my 2 2-4 trouble calls until the PM tech fixes the outage lol. Gotta say that's not all bad though. Getting paid to sit in the truck and wait is good but going to suck when I have to work over to fix anything else inside the house lol.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Sorry to hear that about your dog Adam. It's just like losing s family member. Working on the weekends suck too, but at least you're getting paid to lay around on TOO.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Yeah, it sucked and still sucks today. walked in from work and was let down by not having her in the house and meeting me at the door happy to have me home. I know she wasn't feeling top shape and kind of went downhill pretty fast this week so it was time to make the call. I had the vets office come to the house and do it since she was to the point yesterday of being uncomfortable and snippy if you tried to move her. I couldn't force myself to put her thru anymore discomfort to take her out to the car and load her in for the trip to the vets. Just didn't want to hear her whine and cry from the pain so the last good thing I could do is do it right here at home.

Here she was a couple years ago.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's sad... I don't want to make the decision. Two weeks ago Daisy was a mess. I took her to the vet assuming he was going to put her down. I was all tore up.
The vet did some blood work and found out she was in kidney failure. He ran an IV and put her on a special dog food. She's gotten a little better but I bet she's lost 10 pounds pretty quick.

I'm hoping when she goes, it's on her own. My plan is to put her in the ground near our favorite rabbit spot.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That's sad... I don't want to make the decision. Two weeks ago Daisy was a mess. I took her to the vet assuming he was going to put her down. I was all tore up.
The vet did some blood work and found out she was in kidney failure. He ran an IV and put her on a special dog food. She's gotten a little better but I bet she's lost 10 pounds pretty quick.

I'm hoping when she goes, it's on her own. My plan is to put her in the ground near our favorite rabbit spot.

Our dog had been fighting cancer for a few years now. She had a breast removed about 3-4 years ago but it came back in another breast and in a couple different spots. She also had arthritis pretty bad but was manageable with the meds. All of the sudden Wednesday evening she was on the hardwood kitchen floor and couldn't get her back half off the ground. She would just slide backward. finally got a towel under her stomach and helped her up. She walked into the living room and laid back down and was fine. Then around midnight she got up and walked over to be closer to me laying on the couch like she always did when she knew I was sleeping down here with her (she couldn't get up the stairs to our bedroom anymore). That is where she stayed all day Thursday and was starting to swell in the face too by Friday morning. I don't think it was kidney failure since she was still drinking so I'm thinking congestive heart failure and maybe liver failure on top of that. I couldn't just let her lay there anymore and she lost the use of her back legs after she moved on Wednesday night since she never moved again I'm thinking. Friday she tried to get away from the vet and the vet tech and couldn't get her back legs to work. All she could do is spin around 90 degrees and lay back down. She let me know it was time Thursday night but when we talked to the vet Thursday he said to give her some asprin and see if that would help. Friday morning she looked bad so I decided enough was enough.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Really hate to hear this Adam, man that sucks! very noble thing to do, to have them come to the house where she was comfortable, I am dreading the day when we go through this with Camo, he is 9 years old now and starting to show his age, I feel for ya buddy.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man Adam. I hate to hear that. It just sucks man. Good dogs are hard to let to of.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Dang Adam I thought my Friday sucked. Nothing compared to yours bro. Hate to hear about this. It is crazy how attached we can get to our pets.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang, I hate to hear these dog stories. I have two of them that are 16 years old, and at times they can't get around. Other days they do...slowly.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sorry too hear this Adam... one of the hardest things too do.... time will heal the sorrow.... bit it's a slow time.....