So I'm 7500 foot above sea level in Estes, CO., walking down a street and a hippie looking chick in a hunter orange shirt and a clip board approaches me and my friend and asks if she can have a few min. of my time to talk about saving the dolfins... "SAVE THE DOLPHINS!?!?!?!?! were 7500 feet above sea level in the Colorado rockies!!! Are you out of your friggen mind??? NO!" We walk away and cross the street.
On the other side are 2 more hippies in orange shirts w/ clip boards. Half way across they see us and turn our way. Adam (my friend) says under his breath "I got this"
They catch us as we hit the curb and say" May we take a few min. of your time to talk about saving the rain forest?"
Caught a little off guard by a different question but only for a moment, Adam (former oil/gas driller now co-man) replies " Naaa. I'm all about cutten down trees and punch en holes in mother earth"
I laughed out loud. She gasped.
No further questions.
S.O.B. Com on. is there nowhere safe?
True story.
On the other side are 2 more hippies in orange shirts w/ clip boards. Half way across they see us and turn our way. Adam (my friend) says under his breath "I got this"
They catch us as we hit the curb and say" May we take a few min. of your time to talk about saving the rain forest?"
Caught a little off guard by a different question but only for a moment, Adam (former oil/gas driller now co-man) replies " Naaa. I'm all about cutten down trees and punch en holes in mother earth"
I laughed out loud. She gasped.
No further questions.
S.O.B. Com on. is there nowhere safe?
True story.