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The TOO dump thread


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well lost a piece of hunting property today. It wouldn't bother me so much but it's where I started hunting and where my dad has hunted for the last 40 years. It breaks my heart that will not allow hunting anymore as we were the only one with permission to hunt. Just so lost.

That's a kick in the gut... Sad to have that much history and to lose it.. Any reason given???


Staff member
Well lost a piece of hunting property today. It wouldn't bother me so much but it's where I started hunting and where my dad has hunted for the last 40 years. It breaks my heart that will not allow hunting anymore as we were the only one with permission to hunt. Just so lost.
I missed this before I posted. Puts the best in perspective. Sorry to hear man. Always a bummer to lose ground.


Active Member
That's a kick in the gut... Sad to have that much history and to lose it.. Any reason given???

He said to much liability with some of the falling trees. I want to believe him but I know that's why. I figure he is going to cut the rest of the woods down for more field area because the only reason he left what he did is so dad could hunt it. It actually upsets me a lot due to all the history there. I just respect that he was nice about it and not a dick.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I feel really bad that I've been getting on him for months about clearing his throat. It turns out that I was sorta right, he has no real reason to clear his throat. There's nothing wrong with his throat. He has a "nervous tic" and since it's already been around for 3 months and is getting worse...odds are it will be around for a year and then he will be diagnosed with Tourette's. When that happens they can start treating it. Until then they can't do much besides recommend counseling.

My wife is heart broken about it all. We almost lost this kid at birth and has always been a little different than most kids. He's also deaf in one ear, but you really wouldn't notice.

On top of all this my wife got a phone call from some lawyers today about something very tragic she seen some years back. So she is not doing well today...to the point that I left work a couple of hours ago to come home and support her. She's sleeping now and I had to vent. I'm crushed to see her like this... It isn't very often that a beer doesn't even sound good. Today is one of those days.

We haven't said anything to anyone yet about either issue, you guys are the first to know. So if you see something in FB the next couple of days, please don't say anything yet.

On top of all this, we have company coming this weekend from out of state. I hope my wife can try and enjoy herself.
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The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Man So sorry to have TOO hear this Giles. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your wife and family. Stay stong brother, were all here for ya.


*Supporting Member*
The fear of the unknown is always strong, but when it is your child, that fear becomes multiplied 100 fold.

Almost 30 years ago, I was terrified of what might lay ahead for my son. One of my old Sunday school teachers and I were discussing my fears and doubts and pain and heartbreak, when he said to me, “You know, God gives these to the ones that will love them the most.”

I've never forgotten that and as the years went by, I've come to cherish those words more and more.

30 years later and I am always thanking God for giving me the privilege of being the one He picked to raise such a wonderful, precious child.

You and your wife and your child will be fine because God picked you.


SW Ohio
How old is he Dave? The reason I ask is my 9 y/o has had that sort of thing happen recently. He was constantly doing this little 'cough' thing and it went on for months and months but finally he just stopped doing it.

I remember our other boys (all older now) going through phases where they had little ticks that all eventually cleared up. Just based on what i've seen with our kids, I personally wouldn't get too concerned about it. Hope things work out for you man. For what it's worth, I'll say a few prayers for your family.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
How old is he Dave? The reason I ask is my 9 y/o has had that sort of thing happen recently. He was constantly doing this little 'cough' thing and it went on for months and months but finally he just stopped doing it.

I remember our other boys (all much older now) going through phases where they had little ticks that all eventually cleared up. Just based on what i've seen with our kids, I personally wouldn't get too concerned about it. Hope things work out for you man. For what it's worth, I'll say a few prayers for your family.

Same age. Thanks for the hope, Joe.


Junior Member
Delaware County
I definitely had some weird tics around that age. I like to think I'm fairly normal now so who knows. We all have weird things. If it is or if it isn't it'll all be good in the end.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Dang Dave, sorry to hear about everything that is going on. The only thing I can really think of with that age bracket is puberty also. A lot of changes going on at that age.

Didn't plan on this happening at work today. 21 years of doing this work and this was the first time it happened to me. Was replacing a air handler for someone and miss stepped. I didn't go all the way threw, but I know my ass is going to feel it in the morning.