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The TOO dump thread


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Don't remember Steve. That was about 12 years ago and the guy who sold it to us and installed it prolly dicked us TOO. I remember the total was 2,988.00 though! Ouch!

Our house was a stick house (2 story)model house of the subdivision. It was our first house and I didn't inspect very well. Fuggar had cheap assed everything from windows,doors,appliances and heating and air. Vinyl sided with little to no insulation! We dropped a ton of green to replace everything I mentioned to make it affordable and comfortable to live in. Our heating bills were in the 400's from Dec. thru Mar. Fuggar leaked like a sieve. Oh, and to top it all off the whole subdivision was built in a flood plane. Glad we got out of that place in 05' and I haven't looked back since. The folks who bought our place sure had alot nicer place after we replaced everything.

I just took a TOO dump just answering a question! Rotflma

Yea you got ripped off Ric. Hate to say it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Just found out tonight that there is a good chance that I lost permission to hunt. Due to a overly friendly deer, that now the home owner don't want shot. This is probably the worst thing they can do for this deer, I don't think this deer is going to stand a chance.come deer season cause I know there is hunters on the neighboring properties.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Just found out tonight that there is a good chance that I lost permission to hunt. Due to a overly friendly deer, that now the home owner don't want shot. This is probably the worst thing they can do for this deer, I don't think this deer is going to stand a chance.come deer season cause I know there is hunters on the neighboring properties.


That does indeed stink Steve. May I suggest speaking with them and suggesting they place a red bandana around her kneck in order to easily identify her. The locals here have a doe that roams the small town as a community "pet", and that is how they identify her. She has been around for a few years now, and the word has spread not to shoot the doe with the bandana.

It's a long shot, but it just may be worth it.
Long day at work. I went out to do a simple nose tire change on a plane. The job should have taken 20 minutes but it ended up taking 6 hours. Just because the two people I was working with who have both been in the Air force over 4 years and one of them was "supposed" to be supervising ME. Neither one had much clue of what is going on. First then bring me a nose tire jack that was nonfunctional. I guess he missed the big red X on the form 244 saying it did not work. Waste of time! I even asked him if it was good to go while he was reading the form. So we had to get another type of jack from the other side of the base which required me to rewrite the jacking and tire change package in the aircraft forms. Then while removing the tire from the axle these two idiots damage axle by jerking on the tire trying to get it off. I told them repetitively to stop. So after that the Driver (the Boss to speak) stops by and asked what the hell was taking so long. I told him everything. He tells dumb and dumber to get in the truck. He brings out an other crew chief to help me who knows what is going on. After the axle is repainted we install new tires and finish the job. The sad thing is dumb and dumber are considered two of our best NCO's because they volunteer for stuff that doesn't matter and tested well for Rank but have little funtional knowledge of maintianing aircraft.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Just stay away Steve. You know how much drama it caused when King shot that albino that people called a pet...just not fuggin worth it.



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Long day at work. I went out to do a simple nose tire change on a plane. The job should have taken 20 minutes but it ended up taking 6 hours. Just because the two people I was working with who have both been in the Air force over 4 years and one of them was "supposed" to be supervising ME. Neither one had much clue of what is going on. First then bring me a nose tire jack that was nonfunctional. I guess he missed the big red X on the form 244 saying it did not work. Waste of time! I even asked him if it was good to go while he was reading the form. So we had to get another type of jack from the other side of the base which required me to rewrite the jacking and tire change package in the aircraft forms. Then while removing the tire from the axle these two idiots damage axle by jerking on the tire trying to get it off. I told them repetitively to stop. So after that the Driver (the Boss to speak) stops by and asked what the hell was taking so long. I told him everything. He tells dumb and dumber to get in the truck. He brings out an other crew chief to help me who knows what is going on. After the axle is repainted we install new tires and finish the job. The sad thing is dumb and dumber are considered two of our best NCO's because they volunteer for stuff that doesn't matter and tested well for Rank but have little funtional knowledge of maintianing aircraft.

Sadly Tom you'll see some of those idiots your whole career and then same said idiots will be your supervision and as clueless as ever..... Unfortunate fact of Military and civilian life..... Instead of writing them up and doing what's right they just keep moving them along....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Just stay away Steve. You know how much drama it caused when King shot that albino that people called a pet...just not fuggin worth it.


X2.... Not worth the BS when dealing with people who want too make them a pet..... Had friends who also would try too turn them into pets and then bitch when they went missing because in their minds they were shot.... Not your deer and yes they are a GAME animal.....


Well-Known Member
Looks like both of my boys are going to be bench warmers on their youth football teams...fugg its going to be a long season.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was almost starting to believe someone I know was finding a happy place in her life. Today I realized it may not be possible for some. Maybe I am the idiot? I have known for a long time all women are fuggin crazy. Silly me for being forgetful. Sadly, I was trying to be hopeful, not forgetful.


*Supporting Member*
I was almost starting to believe someone I know was finding a happy place in her life. Today I realized it may not be possible for some. Maybe I am the idiot? I have known for a long time all women are fuggin crazy. Silly me for being forgetful. Sadly, I was trying to be hopeful, not forgetful.

Phil, don't give up hope.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Ouch. I just hit my pinky with my crossbow string. I may vomit. It's turning purple. Ouch.:smiley_depressive: