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The TOO dump thread


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Crazy times we are living in. Didn't miss any work due to corona but I'm home today because of the protests. a job downtown. My wife drove on the outskirts of the city last night and said all stores were closing early in fear of what's going on elsewhere. With stuff happening downtown she said at 10pm I don't want you working there until this stuff is done. I agreed I wouldn't want her going if the situation was reversed. I called the boss a second ago he said the job site was secure with no brick missing. He said no plywood is left on selves in town from businesses boarding up windows. They r working but will shut down if crowds start forming again. probly crying wolf but I'm not a city person. I've quit a job that was in the hood once after hearing gunshots at lunchtime a block away. Off of Downtown can be scetchy without protests going on. Crazy freaking times.....ill be working tomorrow but elsewhere.
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Ragin Cajun.
15 years old. I just had to put Freon in the fugg last month. It was a 2 ton, I guess my 4 ton will be next. [emoji2373] compressor burned up so I changed the outside unit and the coils.

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker

Installed one of these today at the garage...still have one more to do. What a pain in the ass! Finally got it together and when I put the batteries in, there’s one short beep followed by a red light. Nowhere in the trouble shooting section does it mention one short beep. Every other combination is there, just not this one. Now I have to wait until tomorrow and call their help line at 7:00 am pacific time. The tail that plugs into the circuit board was designed by a world class a-hole! They only give you 2” of wire and the position of the circuit board plug couldn’t be in a worse spot. I really hope this thing works as advertised after the past two hours of torture.👊👊🤬