I seen these things coming, years ago...carpal tunnel, rotator cuff, arthritis, etc. and started shooting lower poundage. I've killed just as many deer and placed in as many 3D shoots with 55#, as I ever did at 70#. :smiley_bril: The technology in today's bows are such that the arrow weight and bow poundage is all related to flat trajectory and speed.
Anyone that's bowhunted deer in cold weather conditions knows what it's like to be dressed up like the Michellin Man and trying to pull a bow back. :smiley_arrogant: It's much easier with a lower poundage bow.
I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and shooting a bow throws my back out of alignment. The "one sided" exercise of drawing a bow causes this to be worse, until I can't pull my bow at all. I had to do left sided exercises to get my spine aligned...and thereafter, to this day, I have to keep up with some upper body exercises, so that I can shoot a bow. This may be seen as a pain in the butt, but it keeps me fit and allows me to shoot a I keep after it. :smiley_asswhip:
I've only been shooting a bow for a little over 5 years... 32 years over 5 years. :smiley_blink: Yep...I'm a few years north of 50 too.
Good hunting, Bowhunter57