We all dream of big bucks and sometimes we get one and sometimes you take the gift that's put in front of you. I've been baiting an area for a month with beets, carrots and corn and the deer had been using it regularly. I had good encounters on Saturday and Sunday evening, but this evening I finally got a buck to come in. I got out of the blind at 5:20 and glassed the field and saw a doe enroute followed by another and then this buck. I was already out of the blind so I quickly sat on a blow down and got ready. He came into the bait first. I got caught up in the size of his rack and hesitated. That's when I realized I'd been given a gift and it was time to pull the fuggin trigger. I'm shooting a Savage ML-11, smokeless muzzleloader. There really isn't a bad shot when you're pushing a Hornady 45 cal pistol bullet at 2300+ feet per second. I went through his neck, chest, heart and out the other side. He dropped and expired very quickly. Blessed? Yes!