Just to clarify, this wasn't a marker or official headstone but a nice perfectly rectangle chunk of limestone that came of an old homestead foundation that resides on our property there. We helped dad collect a bunch of these chunks of rock about 20 years ago and had them up at our cabin. We picked the best one out of the bunch and figured dad would appreciate us using it for a marker over top of some of his ashes we buried in the woods near where we hunted. The chunk weighed about 25 pounds. We figured someone took it when they were trespassing back in the spring either turkey hunting or shrooming.
I have a cheap ladder stand that's so-so.....I'll donate it to the cause if you want to hang it up and put a camera in a tree and try to catch him. No Joke........:smiley_blackeye:
DITTO!!!! If he has it, I know what I'd do! Man, the shit has got to stop! Hope you find out who took it Mike and get it back. Fugg this pisses me off! Sorry to hear man!
Damn it's getting to the point you will have to install a 2nd camera to watch the 1st camera.
On another note in this months issue of the NRA American Hunter there is a letter to the Editor complaining about a picture showing a camera being installed with a locking chain. The writer thought this showed the wrong image of Amaerincn Sportsman. He felt articles promoting hunting outdoor ethics was much needed.
I guess he's not out in the real world.
He came to the truck just now. My dad questioned him. He ha a young boy with him and was looking for a place to set him up.
According to my dad he didn't seem suspicious. He said he saw 4 kids in a blue jeep out here earlier. Might have been them?
Can't rightly accuse the dude. Kiss it goodbye I guess.