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Things we did as kids


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So when I was about 16 there lived in real old grumpy fart about a mile down the road who my family always had problems with. Now on our family property we all live in a line of houses that stretched about 1/2 Mile. My aunt and uncle's house was to our left my grandmother and grandfather's house was to our right, and farther on that was my Grandma's sister and her husband and then my grandma's other sister and her husband. This grumpy old man owned roughly 600 acres that butted up against ours. He wanted to turn his 600 acres into a landfill and was pursuing permits and approval from the county. Naturally nobody wants to live on the edge of a landfill so my family opposed it. This created some pretty bad blood between their family and ours. My grandmother's sister and husband who lived on the far end of the property got it the worst. This old man sold a sliver of land to someone on the condition that they would clear the trees and move in a shity old trailer beside my great aunt and uncle's house. When you look out there back door over on the side of the property was this shity trailer.

Now this old fart had a really nice house set up on a hill with a beautiful sloping green grass hill facing the road. One night a buddy and I got liquored up and drove down there with a case of Castrol motor oil. We then proceeded to write "I Suck Dicks" in about eight foot tall block letters on the side of that Hill. After about a week in that hot Mississippi Sun you could see it clear as day.

Over on the river we had this company that built oil rigs, a buddy's dad worked over there and had somehow stumbled on to a 50 gallon drum of environmentally safe cleaning detergent. The old man had this five acre catfish and bass pond right off the road a little bit with one of those big airator fountains in it. Well I can tell you that a 50 gallon drum with a hole busted in the top and rolled off in a 5 acre pond ain't to environmentally friendly to fish. Unfortunately it must have had some type of defoaming agent because it didn't make the gigantic five-acre pike of bubbles we had hoped.

This man also had a big old custom wrought iron mailbox out by the road. Like I said my buddies dad worked down at the local plant building oil rigs and had him a big Chevy truck with a welder on the back. Surprisingly it only takes less than 30 seconds to roll up and weld a mailbox shut.

There were quite a few other things that were piddly like cutting the water hose in half etc.

I can tell you all this because, well I got arrested for it, even had to go to court. Ended up it all got thrown out because of a "violation of my rights." Seems I was never read my rights when the sheriff's deputy arrested me, I therefore told them things I shouldn't have without representation. The judge dismissed it with prejudice.

Small world though. The sitting judge happened to be really good friends with my great uncle. My great uncle being the county judge i guess that tends to happen. As for that sheriffs deputy who forgot to read me my rights, well he was my great uncled son. Not many people can say they got arrested by their cousin and their great uncle had to recuse himself from the courtroom as judge. Lol.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
How about fake ID's?? I had one back in the day, I remember there was an add in the back of some magazine, you sent a picture with your information and in a few weeks BAM! I can still remember my fake name, Jeff Fobesdale.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Hell, If I buy a pack of smokes at the Dollar Store I still have to show my drivers license and I am freaking 56.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Cruzin down RT. 11 from Youngstown to Ashtabula back in college throwing full cans of beer from my car to my buddies car in the passing lane.


Junior Member
What are those?

Reindeer mounting is when you take the Christmas reindeer yard decorations and stand them up so they were humping each other. The best is if you could find a buck that had the head that would automatically move up and down.

Penny tapping is where you tape the top part of penny to a window so it's just hanging against the glass. Then tape fishing line to the bottom part of the penny. You can string the fishing line across the road and hide in the neighbors bushes and then pull on the fishing line and the penny taps against the window. We usually looked for homes that had decorations in the window that we could hide the penny behind so it would be hard to see.


Junior Member
So when I was about 16 there lived in real old grumpy fart about a mile down the road who my family always had problems with. Now on our family property we all live in a line of houses that stretched about 1/2 Mile. My aunt and uncle's house was to our left my grandmother and grandfather's house was to our right, and farther on that was my Grandma's sister and her husband and then my grandma's other sister and her husband. This grumpy old man owned roughly 600 acres that butted up against ours. He wanted to turn his 600 acres into a landfill and was pursuing permits and approval from the county. Naturally nobody wants to live on the edge of a landfill so my family opposed it. This created some pretty bad blood between their family and ours. My grandmother's sister and husband who lived on the far end of the property got it the worst. This old man sold a sliver of land to someone on the condition that they would clear the trees and move in a shity old trailer beside my great aunt and uncle's house. When you look out there back door over on the side of the property was this shity trailer.

Now this old fart had a really nice house set up on a hill with a beautiful sloping green grass hill facing the road. One night a buddy and I got liquored up and drove down there with a case of Castrol motor oil. We then proceeded to write "I Suck Dicks" in about eight foot tall block letters on the side of that Hill. After about a week in that hot Mississippi Sun you could see it clear as day.

Over on the river we had this company that built oil rigs, a buddy's dad worked over there and had somehow stumbled on to a 50 gallon drum of environmentally safe cleaning detergent. The old man had this five acre catfish and bass pond right off the road a little bit with one of those big airator fountains in it. Well I can tell you that a 50 gallon drum with a hole busted in the top and rolled off in a 5 acre pond ain't to environmentally friendly to fish. Unfortunately it must have had some type of defoaming agent because it didn't make the gigantic five-acre pike of bubbles we had hoped.

This man also had a big old custom wrought iron mailbox out by the road. Like I said my buddies dad worked down at the local plant building oil rigs and had him a big Chevy truck with a welder on the back. Surprisingly it only takes less than 30 seconds to roll up and weld a mailbox shut.

There were quite a few other things that were piddly like cutting the water hose in half etc.

I can tell you all this because, well I got arrested for it, even had to go to court. Ended up it all got thrown out because of a "violation of my rights." Seems I was never read my rights when the sheriff's deputy arrested me, I therefore told them things I shouldn't have without representation. The judge dismissed it with prejudice.

Small world though. The sitting judge happened to be really good friends with my great uncle. My great uncle being the county judge i guess that tends to happen. As for that sheriffs deputy who forgot to read me my rights, well he was my great uncled son. Not many people can say they got arrested by their cousin and their great uncle had to recuse himself from the courtroom as judge. Lol.

Oh man this is some funny shit!! Welding the mailbox shut.....that classic.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I feel pretty tame reading some of this stuff. We used to drive into downtown Lima and throw pennies at the hookers. That is about all I did. Feel like a real novice reading all your posts. I was in tee-ball while you guys were in the Big Leagues. Ha


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Outran the local LEO's on my RM100 when I was 15 lmao. I guess the dirtbike wasn't street legal and that's how I use to get back and forth across town to go ride with a buddy in his fields. Seen the cop crossing the tracks and thought I got turned around fast enough that he didn't see me riding on the street. Looped back around and down an alley and hooked it back the way he had come from. He had thought I went down the road heading out of town and didn't realize I hadn't until I was in 5th gear hitting the RR crossing he had come across lol. ZIG ZAG thru alleys and backyards all the way back to my house. Being young and stupid and not thinking about the fact it's a small town and everybody knows everybody. They ended up breaking into my privacy fence and took my bike and towed it off about an hour after I got home. Little did they know that it was illegal search and seizer and they ended up having to give it back to me and I didn't have to pay for the tow or impound fees.They didn't really like me much after that. I showed that their new Chevy Malibu fleet of 6 cruisers the city had purchased 3 months earlier was worthless :pickle:


Junior Member
I always spent summers here in WVA , till I moved here when I was 15 but I grew up in the city and went to school in DC .. I made the papers a time or two , did a lot of things mentioned , running from the cops on a dirt bike was a big thing back then , carryingBB guns , nunchucks , batons , etc .. knocking on doors late at night then running and hiding , ride the subway and pu the E cord , LOL. We used to tie string with nuts and bolts around people’s drive shafts so when they took off it made a Heck of a sound LOL. The worst and dumbest I ever I did was standing on the train bridge over rt 50 coming out of DC and throwing rocks and debris down on truckers going under the bridge , so stupid but I did get caught and paid the piper today it would of been attempt at murder , taking local gals in ya shed with a flash light to learn our differences so to speak LOL. Making go carts from wood and grocery cart wheels (front wheels not the ones that spin) good ol days .. Then moving to West Virginia I corrupted a few hillbilly’s LOL. I can remember hearing that new kid is trouble LOL.Lots more but I plead the fifth


Senior Member
Athens County
You guys are a bunch of delinquents. Other then the occasional arrest or car crash, we didn't cause much harm.

I do miss the days of being able to appreciate a stinky finger....


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
You guys are a bunch of delinquents. Other then the occasional arrest or car crash, we didn't cause much harm.

I do miss the days of being able to appreciate a stinky finger....

Might have been a delinquent but I only got caught the one time when I ran from the cops lmao


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Going back to hunting along the railroad tracks back in the day. I found out you couldn't do that anymore the hard way as well lol.

Hunted along these tracks outside of town for years for rabbits and groundhogs. Decided it was time to go out and try this new scope mount and red dot scope on the shotgun a few weeks before gun season. Set a target out and shot a couple boxes of slugs trying like hell to get this thing on target. That damn thing couldn't hit the broadside of a barn for some reason. Ran out of slugs so I went a couple miles to the house. Got parked and looked in my console and found another box of slugs I forgot about. Turned around and headed back out to the tracks. Got my target all setup and took the scope off but left the B-Square mount on the shotgun. Took the first round and punched the center ring on the target. Knocked down my board that I had it on so I layed the gun down on the hood of the car and took the hammer with me to pound the board back into the ground. I get it pounded back in and the next thing I know is


Never dropped a hammer so fast in my life lmao.


As soon as I turn around I see a sheriff deputy pointing his .40cal at me. Thought for sure I was going to get shot that day. He cuffs me and he asks where the gun is. I told him it was on the hood of the car he was standing next to and that I only had the hammer on me to reset my target. He looks over and sees the hole in the target and said " Hell of a shot there" and walked me back up to the cars. He said somebody had driven past and seen and heard me shooting and called it in saying I was trying to commit suicide. While we are standing there another deputy pulls up and then 2 undercover cars pull up. They figure out what I was doing and all but the one deputy that still has me cuffed left. Got to talking with the deputy and he informs me that you not really allowed on the tracks to shoot or hunt anymore and that it was fine to do back in the day but not anymore lol. Still in cuffs he asked about the gun and if it was stolen. I told him it wasn't but he still wanted to run the serial numbers. problem was that the scope mount was still on the gun and covering the numbers lol. He asked if I had allen wrenches so he could take the mount loose. Told him I didn't have any. He called all the deputies and nobody had any. He decided it was fine and didn't want to mess with trying to take it apart. Come to find out that the county line runs between the tracks and where I was when he got there was in the next county. This sucks lmao. Now I have to sit in cuffs until a deputy from the other county gets there and decides what to do with me.

I sat there cuffed for 2hrs waiting on that SOB lol. He finally pulls up and walks over. " You know you're not allowed on railroad property right?" I said I didn't but I do now. He laughed and said he might have to call CSX investigator out to see if they wanted to press charges. He laughs again and said " This is my last day on the job. I'm retired after today. Go ahead and take your stuff and head on home."

Grateful I didn't get carted off but I thought, WTF man. I have sat here cuffed for 2hrs waiting on you and now your going to say I can leave? Couldn't you have told the other deputy over the phone or the radio? Never been so mad and thankful at the same time in my life lmao.