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Things we did as kids


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Back in the old days if you made a long distance call the operator came on and asked for your number. Well there was a chick I was hot for and she lived in Conneaut which was a long distance call. There was this grumpy old lady that lived down the street that was mean as hell to all the kids so I would give the operator her phone number.

Forgive me Lord.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Tag, flash light tag, release.... all played after dark during those summer nights lol... Had a blast....

As we got older and more mischievous we added some things lol....
We acquired a straw dummy around Halloween and got up in an old oak tree Aries it up there to swing down across the road.... Seemed like a good idea at first lol.... The guy we launched it at didn’t think so lol....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My cousin and I used to tote our bb guns everywhere when I lived in Mobile, this one grump down the road got pissy and called the law because technically it was barely in the city limits. One day we caught some mullet out if the local tidal creek, two nice ones a few pounds each. Walking home we noticed mr pissy pants wasn't home. I slipped up in his side yard and pulled back the aluminum skirt from around the house and slung them two mullet far as i could under that house and put the skirt back. 3 days later you could smell it from the street. We nicknamed him shew wee wee man.


Senior Member
Gotta Luv Her: Mindy wasn't only a whore....shez a cheap whore....rotflmao

I haven't seen Mindy since she moved out of the neighborhood back around '86.

I did run into Rob, one of my old neighborhood pals, a couple years back.

He said he ran into Mindy a couple weeks ago.

I said, "Where?"

Rob replied, "I was at an Akron strip club and saw her working there." :pickle:

Image that......some things don't change. :smiley_chinrub:


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
We had a Green House down at the end of the road, it was a target for kids to throw rocks at all the glass. One year on Halloween night I put on oversize pants and a shirt, stuffed newspapers all around me, put a paper bag with stuffed papers and a mask over it. Sat down at the end of the road in a yard chair with my arms and legs bent and waited. Kids would go walk by laugh and poking me feeling the news papers. Some time had passed and I heard kids laughing and coming up behind me. One kid rips the bag off my head and when I jumped up I think he pissed and sh*t himself along with running and screaming like a girl. Good Times!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
We used to drive around town and shoot bottle rockets out of the car..we would put the stick of the bottle rocket down in the hole of the handle of a plastic whiffle ball bat..light it..then hold it out the window..you could really aim good like that!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Rode to and from school on snowy days hanging onto your buddies rear bumper skiing all the way, hoping to not hit a bare spot lol
I have yet to own a bb gun of my own. My dad bought me a .22 when i was in 5th grade that i was allowed to carry around our property pretty much as much as i wanted. I never did anything irresponsible with it and took it very seriously. The stray cat and varmint population suffered but that's about it.

My best friend and i made a homemade go cart out of a packing pallet and a Chinese knockoff briggs and Stratton 4 hp engine. We were like 12 and didnt receive any help from our dads. It had a roll cage made out of discarded broom sticks and other wood savaged from peoples trash on trash night. We also walked creek banks looking for bike tires bolts pipes ect to cobble this thing together. I wish i had a picture of it. When figured how to remove the governor from the engine and it really got moving. Damn thing was a death trap and didnt have brakes in the beginning.

I had a 88 s 10 pickup as my first car when it gave up the ghost i didnt have a vehicle. So my grandfather gave me a 98 toyota camery when he stopped driving. It was not the ideal car for hunting and trapping but hauled lots of deer out of the woods. That car probably saw more mud than most trucks.
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The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
How about High School pranks? Stacking the lockers, wadding up some paper and jamming it down in the handle on the inside of the locker, slam it shut and you could not open the locker. Also take a milk shake and leave it in some ones locker over the weekend or break......it would turn sour and stink the entire area up.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Shooting a 12ga out the window at road signs out in the countryside, shooting at the blinking light on the caboose as it went past or shooting at the train car hauling brand new cars ..all those brand new cars lmao. Use to walk from my house to the woods with bow or my BB gun, Hunting along the railroad tracks for rabbits and groundhogs, shooting bottle rockets out of a 1/2" PVC pipe at herring at the local fishing spots lol, dropping M-80's in the water and watching the bright flash and big bubble coming to the surface along with the occasional fish lmao.

Good grief, this could go on and on lmao.

I'm just glad there wasn't a cell phone and camera and social media back then. I would be sitting in prison somewhere lmao.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
We had an asshole for a mechanical drawing instructor, he was a drunk and drove an MG Midget, we turned it sideways in its parking spot so many times he finally sold it and bought a Cadillac lol.... That one never got moved lol...