Here's a tip: Clean your gun every so often
I have put this Benelli through the ringer and other than my maintenance of it, old COB would be proud of would of the pile of birds its killed over the years. Dropped the first round in it this morning, dropped the bolt and it was clear she need cleaned today. Sat in the rain for 4 hours, so it left me no choice really. If I'm being honest, it hasn't been cleaned since 2019, maybe 2018, which was a good 500 rounds ago. But that's not the record. Pretty sure I went over 1K rounds between cleanings onceI literally had to scrape gunk off with a screw driver before I could actually clean it...
My lack of care aside, Benellis go "boom" when you pull the trigger. Only had one duck work the spread today and he took a full load of #1s to the chest as he coasted into the hole landing gear down.
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I will for always scratch my head this one lol. You have never cleaned your guns on a regular basis! That is terrible