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TOO Shoot 2018 Location and Info


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Made it home safe and sound. Had a great weekend with all you fellas. Can't tell you all how much I needed a guys weekend and relax a bit. Weather actually turned out better then I thought it was going to. First time I can think of that we didn't get drenched or scorched with sun and 100 degree temps lol.

Thanks to everyone that made it out and a huge THANK YOU to Logan County fish and game for allowing us to use there ground for the weekend.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Hitting the road. Wow....what a fuggin blast this weekend. It was great catching up with all the TOO brothers. I had a blast fishing with Ty. He caught 2 fish a blue gill and a crappie. I had no luck but I had fun. The food we had saturday...I was speechless....it was fuggin fantastic. Great job Beener brisket sandwich TOO top with coleslaw...OMG really good. Jim them frog legs...holy smoke, brother....nice job. Mike, really nice job. And alfredo chicken pasta? Who made that? Good shit right there. Jesse, the fries...good shit right there...perfect TOO go with pulled pork and jumbo shrimps whoo hooo lol really good shit right there. Brain, nice job on salsa, brownies. Ric, cookies....hell yeah good shit. Jesse and adam nice work on making breakfast it was so good with hot mustard on it. J, blueberry donuts...I have no words TOO say....that was so fuggin good, lol thanks. Ric, bacon burgers..
Holy smoke thanks that was perfect. If I forget who else brought something that was good as hell. Joe and jesse, I gotta say thanks so much for putting this TOOgether and for finding a place at Logan County, Can't thank you enough, thanks brothers. It was good catching with all you brothers...Jesse, good hanging out and talking with you, brother...had a blast , lol. Ty it was fun hanging out with you , buddy...glad you had fun and caught couple fish
So, I had made American Flag and TOO buck logo for the giveaway prizes. I had been working on it for a week. I was so excited working on it. I was really nervous about the and American flag & buck logo on it....because I wasn't sure how it would turn out...it turned out perfect! Fugg yeah. I was so stoked and nervous when Ric drew the number and Joe's father in law and Mike won ....they was shocked and loved it. So it put a smile on my face. It turned out perfect. I'm glad it's going home with you guys.
. I think I got all the picture I could take. Looking forward TOO it again...but now I'm looking forward TOO Stroud .
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