Freaking pea brained shitheads. We setup on the north side of a field that we saw a tom in at 8:00 yesterday as we were leaving. We got set up and we could hear two Tom's gobbling about 600 yards to our North. Across the field to the south about a hundred yards inside the woods a Tom was gobbling his head off. We made a move to the south side of the field figuring it would be easier to call that bird out to the field. He wouldn't budge however and stayed in the woods and didn't move. We made a move and got in the woods and closed the distance to within about 50 yards of him. We tried everything to get that bird to move to include me walking back away from the bird while Alex stayed put. We even gobble at him a bunch and he would respond. Alex managed to slip up even further and get within 30 yards of the bird but just could not locate him in the brush. About that time we could hear two birds gobbling out in the field we had been in. Those two pea-brain bastards had traveled probably half a mile to get to us. They came in the woods but ended up on Alex's right and when they went behind some bushes he swung his gun but they still spotted him and hauled ass. They skirted around him and went to that Tom that was our original target that was still gobbling. At 8:15 that Tom pitches out of the tree and hits the ground going towards those other toms. The reason Alex could not see him is he was not on the ground but rather roosted low and still in the tree. I bet he gobbled 150 times bit would not budge. If the weather holds our ass will be firmly planted in that field in the morning.