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TOO Waterfowl Chronicles


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Awesome shoot guys! I hunted last night and saw several hundred geese and a hundred ducks. None of which would work but I didn't expect anything less. I got out there at 2pm and should have been set up at 1030 am when they came off the roost. I knew they had been feeding all day and were headed back to the roost regardless of how good my spread ad calling worked. Maybe next time....

Nice kill pics guys!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
6 of us hit a loafing pond in Richland County this morning and put the hammer to some honkers. We ended up 2 short of a limit... and man we really should have had them. We had 3 Benellis, 1 SX2, 1 SX3, and my Browning was the only gun that didn't malfunction today. It was just bitter cold out there.

We had a tough setup with the WNW wind. The birds wanted to work over our heads out into the pond (we were set up on the edge). The first flock actually landed in the pond, but we learned from it... Each flock thereafter tried the same thing, but we'd got on em hard with the calls and flag the shit out of them right as they went past... they'd bail out from the pond and swing right around for the finish. We got them all on film and should have some phenomenal footage.

You came to Richland and didn't tell me. I see how you are. :p


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What's a perfect day of weather for ducks to you guys?

Steady wind, cloud cover, and either a light rain or a steady snow. Around here, you want legal shooting light to be as dark as possible. I've had some decent shoots on sunny days, but I've had a lot more on overcast days.

You came to Richland and didn't tell me. I see how you are. :p

Ahhhh sorry Hoyt! It was a last minute gig and I had to be home early for wifey time! :smiley_blackeye:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ohhhh man... Today was a perfect weather day for me (see above post ^^^). Found a heck of a good loafing/roosting spot after a tip from a buddy and man did we put the hammer on the gaddy's tonight. A buddy and I had our limits in less than 90 minutes, then I called two others to come out and they shot their 12 as well. It was one of my best Ohio duck hunts to-date no doubt. Might even try them again in the morning...

Stack of gray ducks...



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I really admire the passion all you waterfowlers have for this sport! You guys know your shit and have knocked the crap out of em this season! Very cool pics and keep em coming and thanks for sharing.


Staff member
I was the first person on the scales at the local gravel yard today. The road back to our parking area at the duck blind got wallered out in a hurry! Hoping 1,500lbs of #3s will carry us through the winter.

There is a lot that goes into this stuff!

There's a cut corn field next to this gravel yard that is off limits to hunting is sits next to the river. It had the most geese I've ever seen in one spot this morning. Hundreds of them. Hard to kill them with spots like that nearby!


Staff member
That opening was killing us, so I hope this is a viable solution. I flushed two pair of mallards and at least 4 pairs of hooded mergansers when I went back there. Ducks seem to be running in pairs around here, so I'll open the spread up a little and "sprinkle" pairs here and there on Saturday.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i know what your talking about jesse i work at a gravel pit. its always covered up with geese and ducks, ill try too post some pics. i can hunt in here but i havent duck or goose hunted for a few years now. its not all that fun when you can walk right up to them. there either in the corn fields around the lake on the lake or in the river.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hit the same hole as yesterday this afternoon. Got in a bit earlier and stacked em up once more. I didn't see as big of groups as yesterday but I shot really well and had my limit in about 45 minutes. I hung out until a buddy of mine showed up and he managed to get his 6 ducks in about an hour. I think this spot has dried up now but man it was good while it lasted!

3 gaddy's, hen wigeon, and 2 mallards.