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TOO Waterfowl Chronicles


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
We had a rough go at it in the cut bean field this morning, then as I had to leave for my daughter's soccer game 3 geese came in that deserved to die. But they didn't. And now they live to tell the tale. Oh well... at least Charles & John got to go wack a couple ducks afterwards. I coached the girls to another victory, so I guess that's good TOO.

Great pics JPN & congrats on the band!!

Good work Jesse & Lucas!!

Zach, that's a heck of hunt on that tailgate!! Congrats on that mixed bag. I think that bluebill might be a ringneck based on on the bill.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You guys sure do make duck hunting look like a heck of a good time! Its one of the relatively few outdoor pursuits I've never done...may have to give it a whirl one of these days.


*Supporting Member*
Killed 9 woodies, a greenhead a hen pintail, and a bw teal . Hunting a cornfield for geese right now .


Staff member
Nice work Jake!

We ended up with 5 total. Drake and hen mallard, two hen woodies, and one drake woody. It was an amazing hunt for a novice who went out on a limb and built a $400 blind in the middle of nowhere! We had birds flying past almost every 30-45 minutes from daylight to noon when we left. The first birds to get shot at was a group of 5 mallards that buzzed the hole and on the second pass, we lit them up. It was pretty foggy, so there was no getting Remi after them. We managed to get the birds, which were on the opposite bank by the time the fog lifted, thanks to my buddy braving the wade across unfamiliar waters! Once he drug them out of the brush and muck, Remi had no problems taking them to the blind.

Right before we left, we got buzzed by 8 woodies and we dropped 2 right in front of the blind. One was winged and I was surprised to see Remi's killer instinct come out when he saw it flopping around. That was his first experience around a wounded bird and he was all over it. He was starting to redeem himself when he really caught us off guard. His eye sight is horrible, to the point he bounced off trees in the dark on the way to the blind, so he relies on his nose. While we were picking up decoys, he started sniffing around and disappeared in the cattails and high weeds near my buddy. Next thing I know, I hear my buddy say: "Remi! Good boy!!!" Without being prompted, he sniffed a downed bird out of the weeds that we would have never found. He brought it right over and dropped it at my buddy's feet. I don't have a finally tuned hunting dog, just a good companion that moon lights as a duck dog. Today, that sum bitch made me proud!

Our hole...

The accommodations were just right. It is a very comfortable sit...

Me and the boy on the retrieve...

The crew and our bounty.



Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Sean.... you are correct it was a ringneck, looked just like a bluebill at first, black body with a white belly but a hen blue would have white at her base unlike this bird


Junior Member
Decent day for a few of hacks: we ended up 8 wood ducks and a greenhead

My dog was real happy,lololol

Gotta love the FFD mallards,look almost like they are alive


Participation Trophy Winner
Made it back out this afternoon with Sean and Charles. Last bird of the night I was able to pick up a little extra bonus. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1382235638.799219.jpg


Participation Trophy Winner
Oh and congrats to all that had a successful opening day! It just felt good setting up this morning.


Senior Member
Nice job guys! Only got one woodie tonight.


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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Nice job epe. That looks like a sweet spot! Love hunting creeks like that for ducks. They can be lights out sometimes.


Junior Member
We set up in a big cut corn field today with 4 guys. First flocks of mallards were hitting the hole.feet down. We killed 16 in just over an hour. Then the geese showed up, it was a quick hunt with a limit of geese. Then my little girl started crying and I then woke up from this wonderful dream.....haha hope you guys hammered them today. I slept in, my crew hit a cut bean field and got muddy and rotted.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Nice work on them north and south zone birds this weekend fellas! Congrats on the great hunts and the bling!

I slept in this morning... After a major rot-fest in the blind last night I was a little salty. lol


Junior Member
Got a few geese this morn..,,,had a few injured fly into a huge uncut bean field,spent about a hr. looking for sign and nothing the dog never really got on any scent,,it really sucks to lose any injured game