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Trespassers with stands...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
A little background on this is that it isn't my property. Property is managed by a group that has a group of us hunters come in to help with the population control of the deer.

Last year was the first year it was hunted. Upon walking the property I found some trails that were cut and a couple of tree stands. I got ahold of the lead guy and we removed the stands and later had to return them to the owners. (which blamed me for cutting the trails and originally called them my stands)

During the hunting season I seen these guys kill multiple deer on this property during gun season and I called the GW to deal with it. They caught the guy with deer taken from this property…not sure what all happened as far as legal/fines. I know they caught another group road hunting this property last year also.

So I was excited to hunt it this year without all the drama and extra bullshit to go along with it. Walking the property a week or so ago a couple of guys came across another stand that was newly put up! So they contacted me (which is the lead this year) and I contacted the property owners. No one has permission out of our group. They also informed me that this has been going on for years with the same guy. These folks also do not want me to approach this guy and want me to call the law if I see him. What in the hell is wrong with people?! This dude rents a small parcel (with a house) that borders this property and thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants.

The good news to this is that when the property owner does pass (older fella), these people are going to buy that parcel also and this dude is outa there. We just have to keep dealing with this until that point.

Should I put in any effort into trying to stop this guy? It seems it doesn't much matter and he does whatever he wants anyways. GW have a open case against this guy and he doesn't seem to care. I was thinking about hiding a cam, but I'm not sure its worth the chance of loosing it. Anyone else deal with anyone that just didn't care?
They also informed me that this has been going on for years with the same guy. These folks also do not want me to approach this guy and want me to call the law if I see him. What in the hell is wrong with people?! This dude rents a small parcel (with a house) that borders this property and thinks he can do whatever the hell he wants.

Sounds to me that they are saying to do that more for your safety. If they want you to call the law then IMO they want him prosecuted, just not confronted by you.

Sucks though for sure, at least until the word gets out you guys aren't screwing around anymore.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
With the owners permission, take the stands, lock them up and leave a note on the tree that if you want them.... Then come and get them.... He'll either oblige or run outta money getting new ones....


Staff member

We had an asshole from NC lease the farm north of us last year and he hung a stand on the property line, then walked on our place to hang Posted signs every 15'. I tore down all the signs and put them in a ziplock bag with my name and number, then shot an arrow in to the tree to hold the packet next to his sticks. Never heard from him. Fugger broke my arrow too...
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We had an asshole from NC lease the farm north of us last year and he hung a stand on the property line, then walked on our place to hang Posted signs every 15'. I tore down all the signs and put them in a ziplock bag with my name and number, then shot an arrow in to the tree to hole the packet next to his sticks. Never heard from him. Fugger broke my arrow too...

LMAO that'll get the point across!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member

We had an asshole from NC lease the farm north of us last year and he hung a stand on the property line, then walked on our place to hang Posted signs every 15'. I tore down all the signs and put them in a ziplock bag with my name and number, then shot an arrow in to the tree to hold the packet next to his sticks. Never heard from him. Fugger broke my arrow too...
Now this thread is going places! I'm temped to take a couple bars of Irish Spring out and placing them in his stands, but I'm worried that the deer will head out of the county.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had a gun hunter come onto the property next to me and hang a stand 5 ft and facing my property. I seen him walk out during gun season and I put up a No hunting sign in front of his stand. I always go to the Lima gunshow the weekend ending gun season. The Monday after season I went to the woods and there is a blood drag trail through my woods from the stand.
I called the landowner and he wouldn't let me take the stand down but I never seen him again. I see tresspassers every year walking the 2 neighbors property during gun season where no one has permission. Never see anyone during bow season.

Anyways if no one has permission then I would take the stand down and put it where he couldn't find it. War is hell and I don't want to be looking over my shoulder all the time or worse yet when I'm sleeping. There are too many crazy idiots out there.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Now this thread is going places! I'm temped to take a couple bars of Irish Spring out and placing them in his stands, but I'm worried that the deer will head out of the county.
Then you are no better than he is. If you do this, you are now committing a crime. If it were me, I would simply remove the stands as per land owners permission. Next step is call the law when you see him. I would also check each strap and each stand every hunt as I climbed into them. Guys like this have zero issues damaging your stuff and making it unsafe. You have a family at home. You are no good to them dead or damaged.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
You guys talk too much. Verify that nobody else is allowed on the place and take possession of the stands. Take them to another property and use them yourself. If it ever comes up, you don't know who took the stands. If the guy gets them back it's likely he won't learn a lesson and will hang more. Eventually however as they always come up missing he'll look elsewhere to trespass.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I'll continue to do what the owners ask (she actually told me to start taking the stands and don't tell her), none of this is worth loosing this property. It feels good to be able to vent though. I'd like to get a few cards from the GW and start leaving them in his stands. I don't mind fuggin with this idiot a bit. I took a nice leak on the front of one of his trail cams last year also. I haven't found any this year yet.

The group of us is going to walk it this weekend…


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
You guys talk too much. Verify that nobody else is allowed on the place and take possession of the stands. Take them to another property and use them yourself. If it ever comes up, you don't know who took the stands. If the guy gets them back it's likely he won't learn a lesson and will hang more. Eventually however as they always come up missing he'll look elsewhere to trespass.
That's what I did when I found a stand on our property a year after we bought it.


*Supporting Member*
You guys talk too much. Verify that nobody else is allowed on the place and take possession of the stands. Take them to another property and use them yourself. If it ever comes up, you don't know who took the stands.

Yep. What stands?


Junior Member
I had a guy set up a stand on my fence line facing my property, I set up a stand 50 yards away looking right at him . I spent a day sitting in that stand watching him and him watching me. He took the stand down and I haven't seen him since!