Having carried a single stack (Shield) for a significant amount of time, and now having carried my 26 for over a year, I can say with absolutely surety that I have no desire to switch back to single stack. The 26 carries and conceals virtually the same. And having the extra capacity just makes me feel better about it too. Obviously everyone is different so you may prefer just the opposite. You won't really know until you wear them. I can also say I haven't touched my alien gear holsters since acquiring a few Tulsters. Rest assured the 43 and the 26 are both great pistols, and both holsters are solid as well, so you really won't go wrong either way. You just have to feel them out and find what works for you the best.Now that I have some AR builds complete, it's time to think about that 26 again. My buddy said I should try his 43 before fully committing to it. Once this weather decides to change for the better, ill get him over to shoot it. I'm also curious about taking a Tulster for a test drive and see how it feels in comparison to the Alien Gear.