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Turkey hunt report '17


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Fugg them turkeys.... [emoji23]
Lol. At the new spot now, landowners grandson said he's been seeing 20-25 in the field across the road every morning. That would explain why I'm not getting pics, they must be roosting on the other side of the property. Looks like I'll be after those fuggers in the morning.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If it isn't one thing it's another. Hens got the first bird we worked. Coyotes ran off the second. Did not hear a bird after 830


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Just called one in to 50 yards. He crossed the telephone line clearing and fuggin left.There's a trail that comes out into the clearing 20 yards down from my blind. I was anticipating him coming out on that, fuck no, his 6th sense told his ass to skirt around at 50 cause Sasquatch has a bow😡
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Senior Member
Just called one in to 50 yards. He crossed the telephone line clearing and fuggin left.There's a trail that comes out into the clearing 20 yards down from my blind. I was anticipating him coming out on that, fuck no, his 6th sense told his ass to skirt around at 50 cause Sasquatch has a bow[emoji35]

Want my mossberg yet?



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Had 5 gobbling at 5:50 this morning,got em fired up with some flydown cutting and they flew out at 6:30.
Could hear hens with em and they gobbled a handful of times on the ground and shut up.
Back at it tomorrow.



Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Got out for a quick hunt this morning. Once again, all was silent as light broke. After some walking and calling to no avail, I was nearing my truck. Opted for one last call and low and behold, 2 hammered literately right next to my truck. My truck was a mere feet from a house. I try and tuck into he woods off the logging road to grab a seat but it was too late. They busted me and ran up the hill behind the house.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
I hunted yesterday til 7:30 and got 5 gobbles from the roost and silence when they hit the ground, so today I got a little closer but they quit again when they hit the ground. Ended up walking and listening and at 730 heard the bird that went silent, gobble 2 times, just enough for me to get within 70 yards and call he popped out 50yrds and came right to the decoy. Both mornings he never once cut my call. The grass in the fields is getting knee deep so I got pretty wet this morning. Sure is fun to hear them gobble but some just don't do much of it.