Things seem to be warming back up. Mason and I went this morning. I set up a blind over a field the birds have been using a lot lately. I put two decoys in front of us. Heard four gobbling on the roost, one was close which is why the blind is where it is. Unfortunately, he just wanted to stand 75 yards behind us and gobble non-stop until 830 or so. A hen finally came in and took him the other way. Mason is about to pull his hair out, he's not used to having this much trouble killing a bird. Ha. It's certainly nothing new to me... However, he isn't able to hang with it later in the day due to school. He was late today, his mom wasn't too proud of me for that.
We will abandon these birds to the weekend crowd that will be there tomorrow, but Mason is going to ride the four wheeler over there to sit in the blind this afternoon. He may kill one this evening, I hope.
My buddy killed one this morning. I think that's the first bird he's had close enough to shoot all season.