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Turkey Numbers are in.


Senior Member
The biggest issue I assume ur facing Adam is limited ground. How many acres can u hunt? If I had only my two main farms to hunt I woulda been screwed. The birds were not.in their.normal areas at all this year.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
The biggest issue I assume ur facing Adam is limited ground. How many acres can u hunt? If I had only my two main farms to hunt I woulda been screwed. The birds were not.in their.normal areas at all this year.

Wish that was the case but sadly it is not. In one section I have almost 2sq miles to hunt. Then I could have access to another 130 acres to the west and another 150 or so acres to the east. For some reason in this part of the county things just disappear into thin air. Never have had any good turkey numbers here but at least they are better then they was 20 years ago when we had none.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Sounds like a deal ....

Not a lot of extra room here at the house so bring the camper or tent lol. About to pick up another couple farms in the north part of the county that should add around 300 more acres. They have some birds up that way. Plenty of geese and some woodies and mallards if you want to hit some river bottoms or swamp holes lol.


*Supporting Member*
Without a doubt there are areas of the state and properties in the state where Turkey hunting can be easier than other areas . I now hunt in one of the better areas in the state in my opinion based on my experience. I've killed Turkey in Carroll ,Tusc,Athens,Preble,butler,Adams,Ashland and Richland counties Southern ashland and Richland counties hold alot of birds . When I hunted sw Ohio the birds there were harder to come by , bit after hunting birds in East and SE Ohio those sw birds were alot easier to kill . Adams county has a great population of birds and we carried alot out down there even without being able to scout . But it really comes down to specific property and properties


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Without a doubt there are areas of the state and properties in the state where Turkey hunting can be easier than other areas . I now hunt in one of the better areas in the state in my opinion based on my experience. I've killed Turkey in Carroll ,Tusc,Athens,Preble,butler,Adams,Ashland and Richland counties Southern ashland and Richland counties hold alot of birds . When I hunted sw Ohio the birds there were harder to come by , bit after hunting birds in East and SE Ohio those sw birds were alot easier to kill . Adams county has a great population of birds and we carried alot out down there even without being able to scout . But it really comes down to specific property and properties

I can say without a doubt Richland county has a good number of birds. I have worked in that county and some of the surrounding counties and can't tell you how many birds I have seen from the road over the last couple years. Winter flocks of 50+ birds in more then a few places. Bellville, Butler, and even In\around Mansfield have good numbers. Here in Crawford County it seems there is a division line from north and south and the game south can be sparse and spread out. Extreme Southern part of the county things just flat out disappear. Critters here just constantly move and never really have a home. More and more properties are just travel corridors and never hold them for any length of time for whatever reason. The critters that do setup shop are very small core groups.


Senior Member
I'm sure there is a hotel somewhere close by. Imo scouting for.turkeys is more.important than for deer. The name of the game, as far as I'm concerned, is getting as close to them on the roost as possible. Reason being, the linger they are on the ground the higher chance u have of losing them to a hen. This year was the first year I hunted a new property by my house. I figured out quickly what areas the birds roosted.in. ans they were always within 100 yards of those.key areas. Same goes for the places I have always hunted. They always roost in the same general area


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The biggest issue I assume ur facing Adam is limited ground. How many acres can u hunt? If I had only my two main farms to hunt I woulda been screwed. The birds were not.in their.normal areas at all this year.

I agree. The birds didn't move into the areas Alex and I hunt like they normally do. The only bird that showed up was a jake and we let him be. We can usually nail down 4-5 toms on different properties. This year just a jake. We started scouting about 3 weeks before season and continued throughout. Just never located them. But here in Clark it's more of a surgical strikes in small woods. In the winter they yard up miles away. Sometimes close to housing developments. Don't know what happened to them this year besides they didn't get birdy until the third week of season and I was in vegas only leaving the last weekend for me to hunt.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
So for you folks that think our season traditionally comes in too late, what do you think after this season?

I've heard a lot more gobbling in years past, but I'm talking a lot of years ago... This season was about normal in my part of the world. There weren't birds gobbling all over the place, and some days I heard nothing. But, it seemed about the same as it has for the last ten years or so around here.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Brock, I think our season comes in right when it should as I can remember several years ago when it came in a week later than now and we all complained about it being way too late then and they moved it up a week earlier so I am satisfied where it is at now. It was a better than average year where I hunted and heard lots of gobbling and got on several older birds so no complaints on my end. If they moved it up again we would run the risk of having bad weather and the complaints would start again that it is too early because some of the guys could be hunting in snow. I also saw and called in several jakes this year so that should be good for next season


Senior Member
I agree with boarhead. It was a good year.in parts also. I just had to shuffle around a bit.and.hunt where I normally.don't.

The birds also gobbled well in my area. I don't remember Jakes gobbling like they have the last few years. The first.day I had 5 jakes come in gobbling their heads off. Those were really the only.jakes I saw until the last week. I had three hanging out by my house that id see every day on my way home from work.