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Unfriendly to non-residents


Senior Member
Recent new member on TOO is who we have helped. Not sure where the guy in AT was from. Don't care really. Ha

haha yeah I know I was just messing

I hunted ohio as a non resident for like 5 years before moving here and I never got push back from residents...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
My reply.

""If you go on The Ohio Outdoors Forum the natives won't even talk to you if they know your a non-resident..........""

Really? That's news to me. I do believe you had 20+ people welcome you to TheOhioOutdoors.com when did your introduction post. Off the top of my head I can think of about 10 non residents who are regulars on the forum and post year round. We have a three page thread right now for a gentleman from AZ who is coming to Ohio to hunt. We have an entire forum dedicated to information on public land in Ohio. I do believe there are three or four active threads right now by NR hunters, I don't see anything unwelcoming and plenty of comments. Now, If someone shows up and post. ""Where is the best place in Ohio to shoot one of those Booners yall have behind every tree. Will someone tell me where the best county and spot is?" You laugh, but it happens. Those posts are likely to be met with some eyerolls and good nature ribbing. There is a big difference in asking for advice on how to pick up women or asking how to bang your wife.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
gotta admit, its kinda fun watching joe drag his soap box to other forums.

I would comment over there but I'm not a member and I dont intend to join.


Junior Member
Only problem with non residents are,they keep these slap nutz outfitters in business,and give them more reason to offer the people that let us hunt there land crazy amounts of money for leases,,I helped a non res last year turns out he went in behind me and tried to lease the property I was hunting,,,the old fart better hope I don't see his NY license plates in that area,,,,DNR needs to raise non residents fees,and have tag draws and that will help all of us in the state


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Only problem with non residents are,they keep these slap nutz outfitters in business,and give them more reason to offer the people that let us hunt there land crazy amounts of money for leases,,I helped a non res last year turns out he went in behind me and tried to lease the property I was hunting,,,the old fart better hope I don't see his NY license plates in that area,,,,DNR needs to raise non residents fees,and have tag draws and that will help all of us in the state

Rex has a good story about inviting a guy from MS up to hunt. Here some 15 years later there's about 20 guys from MS that hunt around that spot. Lol


*Supporting member*
Rex has a good story about inviting a guy from MS up to hunt. Here some 15 years later there's about 20 guys from MS that hunt around that spot. Lol

That's the kind of stuff that irritates me. I've had a few people ask me about where I hunt in Ohio. I won't give them any info on how to get permission. If it wasn't for Greg, I wouldn't be there and I'm not going to take advantage of that by piling people in there.


Staff member
That's the kind of stuff that irritates me. I've had a few people ask me about where I hunt in Ohio. I won't give them any info on how to get permission. If it wasn't for Greg, I wouldn't be there and I'm not going to take advantage of that by piling people in there.

Unfortunately you don't have to because all the numb nuts that know the LO doesn't live there bring all their buddies. I'd love for me, you, Greg and my buddy Bryan from WV to lease that farm and run everyone off...


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
After reading about this post I visited the AT thread. Now I see why I don't belong over there. No thanks.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
WTH! I thought we were treating the NR pretty dang nice! What a douchebag! I don't even remember seeing him over here but he could have been under a different name but still, I don't remember seeing any NR getting the quiet act or shunned! Haters gonna hate.....