WHAT?! he's from AZ?! I gotta go back and delete those posts...
Recent new member on TOO is who we have helped. Not sure where the guy in AT was from. Don't care really. Ha
WHAT?! he's from AZ?! I gotta go back and delete those posts...
Recent new member on TOO is who we have helped. Not sure where the guy in AT was from. Don't care really. Ha
I would comment over there but I'm not a member and I don't intend to join.
Apparently we aren't very nice to the NR's, so says the fella on ArcheryTalk (post #9).
Only problem with non residents are,they keep these slap nutz outfitters in business,and give them more reason to offer the people that let us hunt there land crazy amounts of money for leases,,I helped a non res last year turns out he went in behind me and tried to lease the property I was hunting,,,the old fart better hope I don't see his NY license plates in that area,,,,DNR needs to raise non residents fees,and have tag draws and that will help all of us in the state
Rex has a good story about inviting a guy from MS up to hunt. Here some 15 years later there's about 20 guys from MS that hunt around that spot. Lol
That's the kind of stuff that irritates me. I've had a few people ask me about where I hunt in Ohio. I won't give them any info on how to get permission. If it wasn't for Greg, I wouldn't be there and I'm not going to take advantage of that by piling people in there.
Unfortunately you don't have to because all the numb nuts that know the LO doesn't live there bring all their buddies. I'd love for me, you, Greg and my buddy Bryan from WV to lease that farm and run everyone off...