I've talked with a few of the long time users of Tree Saddles and they tell me that everyone fidgets around, on an all day hunt...no matter what type of stand is being used. There are back bands for support to make a difference for all day sits. Also, these same Tree Saddle users are saying that this method is just another tool in the hunter's arsenal and not meant to be the "only way" to hunt.Definately different I must say and interesting... But I gotta ask: How comfortable is an all day sit???
The "pros" are less weight to carry in to the hunting location. This is huge for me, because I never leave anything set up. It always goes in and out with me, due to theft reasons. Both of my hunting stands are over 24 lbs.
Climbing with this type of set up will require doing it during daylight hours to become familiar with its use. Doing so without having prior experience is foolish. I've done the same thing, the first few times I switched from a climbing stand to a hang-on stand with climbing sticks. Just the same, using the "1 Stick" method of climbing and rappelling down in the predawn hours or after sunset, is NOT something that interests me.
There are well known bow hunters that are using these Tree Saddles that are retired and well into their 70s. So, it's not just for someone in their 20s or 30s. Just the same, it's another method of hunting that has its application, but may not be for everyone.