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Vacation timing...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I know. I know. But I like the opinion of other like minded individuals, making this a little less harmful than posting it on OS! ;) But I had my vacation scheduled for the second week of November and am seriously starting to reconsider that decision. Last year, I took the first week off and missed timed my vacation. Looking at the weather for the next 10 days, I am starting to think next week may be a better use of my time. I'm going to use this Friday-Sunday trip to make my final decision, but what do you all think?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I think next week will be good for some movement but I think the full force rut will still be 2 weeks out. I think you will still be good with your vacation plans but I'm with you on taking this weekend to fine tune it a little bit. I know things are always a little different in timing between north central part of the state and the southern.


Junior Member
Canton, Ohio
2007 buck killed 11-4
2009 buck killed 10-30

So this year in conjunction with the weekends I took the following days off.


So with those days off along with the weekend days if history repeats itself I should have something on the ground.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

We now have a "Like button"... Appears we need a "Queer button"

Take off anytime around Halloween.. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
If your looking for deer responding to calls, I think it is really heating up now. Based on Uglykat's post in the other thread about deer running now and what I saw two evenings ago, it's getting to be the good time to rattle and grunt.
I think next week will be great. In two weeks, maybe that's when the big boys will start, it should be prime.
I don't think you could go wrong with either week. How about a little at the end of next week and a little at the beginning of the following week as far as your vacation time goes?

I'm in the same boat. I'm debating what day to play hookie with my boy and spending a weekday in the woods. Do I do it next week or save it for two weeks? Tough decision!

I didn't help you any, did I? :smiley_confused_sch


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You can't go wrong with either week, bro. If you go the second week, you'll wish you went the first... if you got the first, you'll wish you went the second. In reality, any day during the next 3 or 4 weeks could be THE DAY... there's no way to pinpoint it. I'm going the second week because last year we went the first. Plus, I like the fact that Veteran's Day let's me use only 4 vacation days instead of 5.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Just finished looking at the new Field and Stream, for what it's worth. On the front cover, it predicts November 8 to be the day you must be in the woods. The rest of the dates are:
November 1: Urge to breed gets heated, big bucks looking for a fight (waning crescent)
November 5: Bucks pursuing does that are ready or not, match their agression (new moon)
November 8: Scent of estrous is in the air, bucks running wild (waxing crescent)
November 13: Bucks paired with does (first quarter)
November 27: Bucks in sanctuaries (waning gibbous)
December 4: 2nd rut (waning crescent)


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
You can't go wrong with either week, bro. If you go the second week, you'll wish you went the first... if you got the first, you'll wish you went the second. In reality, any day during the next 3 or 4 weeks could be THE DAY... there's no way to pinpoint it. I'm going the second week because last year we went the first. Plus, I like the fact that Veteran's Day let's me use only 4 vacation days instead of 5.

Isn't that the truth!!!

I am watching the weather as I have tentatively scheduled Wed-Fri out next week. Looking nice temperature wise (high's in the 40's) but some rain showers. Have also scheduled Thur-Fri out the 2nd week. Seeing small bucks on their feet in the suburbs and some chasing the last few days. Hoping I have picked right this year...

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Go Wednesday to Wednesday right in the middle! :) I don't think you can go wrong with either weeks. I'm sure you will be in the woods both weekends for those two weeks.

I think you will know more Friday and Saturday when the colder weather sets in.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Take vacation the first week.
If nothing happens, call in sick the second week.
Tell yer boss "I've got anal glaucoma"....which is to say "I just can't see my ass working this week!"

Seriously though, take the first week. 'Cause if something comes up and screws up the second week, you'll have got one in.
And, if nothing happens the first week, maybe you could squeeze something in the second.

But what do I know? Just an opinion.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Take vacation the first week.
If nothing happens, call in sick the second week.
Tell yer boss "I've got anal glaucoma"....which is to say "I just can't see my ass working this week!"

Seriously though, take the first week. 'Cause if something comes up and screws up the second week, you'll have got one in.
And, if nothing happens the first week, maybe you could squeeze something in the second.

But what do I know? Just an opinion.

I agree with this also!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Jesse, I have to tell you there is this thing that is in all of us and it is called INSTINCT!!!!!!! You picked your vacation on past experiences and instinct. Just go with your instinct and see where it gets you.