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Veterans of TOO.COM


Staff member
Stopping in to express my deepest gratitude for those who have served not only on this forum, but in totality. I'm a proud American and love my freedom. I will never forget why I have that pride and freedom and it's all thanks to our vets and active service. Thank you all for your sacrifices. Enjoy your day and the weekend!


SW Ohio
Wishing you all a great day, gentlemen. Can't tell you how greatful I and my family are for our freedom. We know it wasn't without a price, and we can't thank you enough.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I struggle with accolades for serving and have never been comfortable with it, when someone says thank you for your service I respectfully say thank you for the thank you but deep down wish they wouldn't..... I've always been of the mentality of it was my decision to serve, I got paid for the job I did, in return I provided the labor they requested and it was a win, win for the both of us..... I don't, or didn't need any recognition for a job I loved to do.... I was truly blessed to stay in a profession that I loved for 35 years and would do it all over again with few changes..... Happy Veterans Day to all my brothers and sisters in arms.... I am truly blessed as are you to be able to live in the greatest country in the world regardless of what's being reported on the news.....
And by the way to all who have served.... A big fuck y'all!!!! And eat a bag of dicks!!!! lmao!!!!
