Bs! Big weff kicks ass at college slam
Not when ya get him buzzing. That's always my game plan when I play him. Gotta get him buzzing. Haha taking advantage baby.
Bs! Big weff kicks ass at college slam
I have a PS3 that gets dusted every week. Hasn't seen a video game in over a year......just Elmo for the oldest lol.
Played a lot in college, but priorities and lack of hrs. in a day have stopped it all......I hate growing up!
Damn bro, you're quite the hand around the house dusting once a week!
When the first Nintendo came out I was bricking coke ovens on second shift. I would get home when my ex was asleep as was my daughter. I would sit in front of the tv for hrs every night playing Mario, Zelda, and smoking pot. That lasted about a year. Fast forward twenty some years and I don't think I would know how to turn on one of the new systems. In the last ten years I have played wii bowling a handful of times, and might have 10 hrs in that time period.
Bs! Big weff kicks ass at college slam