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Website content control


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm a long time poster on a firearm website forum. I've in the past got warned by their Admin. that I had to be careful what and how I post. This they claim is not to upset others. When I disputed their claim I was informed I lost all my rights when I signed up.
I don't post there much anymore and mainly use the site for info posted by others.

Fast forward to today. A member was looking for information and asked about a outfit and put in Ass'c. The site over road his posting and changed it to ***'c.
Sad state of affairs. After this sorry ass result I won't be spending any time there.
Good news is I had more time to spend on TOO. I hope this doesn't get any undies in a wad. OH that isn't permitted over there either.
Most forums are that way any more. That's part of the reason why I stopped being a glorified moderator on another site. You spend all that time trying to keep the site politically correct and keep one minute portion happy you end up upsetting the regular masses and soon the site goes to shit. There I said it....shit LOL!


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm not sure that's the reason. I see it as the squeaky wheel get's the grease.
I'm not really into this "politically correct BS". I've never looked at a black and white issue then use gray as a politically correct solution. It is what it is so get over it. Some just can't or won't handle this. I say tough.

I should add that the reason for this type of censorship is because of sponsors and selling a 'product'.


Staff member
I'd rather pisses off a few and keep the masses happy. This is deer camp meets the interwebz. If a little sour language or raunchy humor offends you, there are plenty of other forums out there. We'll never cater to the PC crowd or advertisers here. That was the whole reason we created this place.


Junior Member
I can't stand censorship.

But kids might be reading the forums!

Really? You're worried about what kids are picking up off a hunting forum? You can't watch regular cable without hearing cursing or sex scenes. But yea, lets worry about sensoring forums, something that IMO, is 99% for adults, especially some forums.

My favorite was the Primos forum, my first ever hunting forum. I got warned for talking about "farting in your scentlok". Needless to say, I NEVER EVER visit that gay ass site anymore.


Staff member
If your kid attends public school, rides the bus and/or has his/her own phone, you have no business worrying about what they might encounter on this forum. When I was in high school the worst thing to happen on a school bus was someone threw batteries out the window and it hit the car of a parent following us to the game. I had kids watching porn and beheading videos on the bus when I was coaching baseball. WTF?!? Not to mention nearly all of them are getting Snapchats of naked girls. There are no mysteries any more.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I don't believe in censorship either. If you don't like it just move on and let everyone else alone.

I went back and it appears the whole post was removed by the Censorship freaks. What a shame.
The hell with them pussies Frank, this world is full of them. This is why our great country is in the shape it's in. I say we go back to the days when a man got an as whipping if he deserved it. Theses prissy fags have got their way for so long they cry about everything.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That is just a bunch of B***S*** to censor F******people like that. Stuff like that really P***** me the F*** off lmao

I don't like censorship or PC and one of the MANY reasons why I like it here. The funny thing is I type cleaner then I can talk lmao.

There was this other site years ago that would only allow certain people run off at the mouth and as soon as any other member stepped in they would delete the post or lock the thread. That got old real quick.


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Man am I glad I stumbled onto this thread. I served 8 years in the US Army and that's is just how we talk. We cant say a complete sentence without using the word fuck 15 different ways. My ol lady is always telling me to watch my mouth around other people, I just laugh it off. If people cant handle the truth or don't like the way I talk, the get the hell away from me. I don't like the fact of the way children are being raised these days either. Everyone gets a trophy. How the fuck is the kid gonna learn how to lose if he always wins? There are WAY TOO many sensitive Sallys walking around now-a-days. Makes me sick. Guys that want to be girls, people that don't want to earn what they want, etc. This country, and planet is going to shit. The president and our government is a complete cluster fuck. Sorry for the rant. If I hurt your feelings, I don't care. Suck it up princess.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not a bumper sticker guy. For the first time in 15-20 years, I have a bumper sticker on my car.

"Political Correctness is destroying this nation"

In regards to the kids? I don't like what my kids are witnessing. No sense hiding it from them. They will see it anyway. My job is not to shelter them, but rather to teach them right from wrong. Teach them God's ways. Teach them to be free thinkers rather than fit into a cookie cutter mold. That said, if you do not like what your kids are seeing on their phones or internet: Take away their internet! Orrrr. . . MONITOR them! My kids have one phone. An old flip phone they can text or talk on. No smart phones. The daughter has a computer due to the hardcore classes she is taking. It is a necessity. BUT: she knows for a fact we will randomly monitor where she has been. Why? Because we have done it. "Show me your instagram posts." etc.

Don't worry Frank. You are welcome here. We welcome your firearm knowledge open arms.


Junior Member
I too absolutely post cleaner than I talk. Not sure why, honestly if you curse a lot, it's usually indicative of your knowledge... I rant a lot in real life and I'm very animated. Probably why I curse so much. I don't do it here because I know there are a lot of Christian guys on here and I wouldn't subject them to my foul mouth either. If I feel the need to use a certain word tho, I will.... I hate censorship, but if I had to read someone cursing in every post, I def would block out their posts...