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We're TOO Good: 2010-2011 Kill Thread


Senior Member
Do groundhogs and small game count towards gun kill totals? How much do we want to stack the carcasses? If so, I shot 5 groundhogs this spring!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This is the "TOO Kill thread". I am thinking groundhogs/yotes/ferral cats and everything else should count. I do not think Brutus' kill should count though because he does not have an active account on here. He just lurks in the shadows in "his" recliner in the basement office.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

I dropped him off at the taxidermist yesterday. I shot him Sunday morning. It has 13 scorable points and the taxidermist rough scored him at 156. I will get an official score after I get him back. With lots of deductions, I'm not sure if he will stay above 125, but who cares?


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
TOO 2010-2011 Kill Tally

Bow Kills

Does: 5
Bucks: 3
Yotes: 2
Bears: 1
Hogs: 4
Varios critters including squirrels, whistle pigs, skunks, and chipmunks: Lots and lots. We kill things! ;)

Gun Kills

Again with the various critter thing: We kill things. It's just what we do! :D


*Supporting Member*
Magnus Snuffer. Been shooting them for quite a few years now. They fly nice, you can get them scary sharp and are a tough head when put up to bone.

That boar was caked in thick dried mud plus had a thick ass plate covering up them ribs. When they get big like that the plate keeps getting thicker, and tougher. That broadhead went through a lot of shit before it got to the boiler room and cut the hell out of everything in it's path. Check out the blood trail in the out of state section.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
TOO 2010-2011 Kill Tally

Bow Kills

Does: 6
Bucks: 4
Yotes: 2
Bears: 1
Hogs: 4
Varios critters including squirrels, whistle pigs, skunks, and chipmunks: Lots and lots. We kill things! ;)

Gun Kills

Again with the various critter thing: We kill things. It's just what we do! :D
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