Well, dammit, things change. It really bugged me that I couldn't get those Simmons Swamp Sharks as sharp as I wanted them a few seasons back. They flew like darts from my setup then, but I never hunted with them because I wasn't confident in the sharpness. I saw a video on FB the other day showing a guy's sharpening routine with Simmons heads, and he used a fine round chainsaw file to get the bevel set. I had everything else, so I grabbed a pack of files for like $6 at Menard's and gave it a shot. That made all the difference in the world for me. I think that, before, I was never quite getting the bevel completely sharp all the way to the edge to get a good burr.
Nice and shiny, and downright dangerous, after working through the file-JewelStik-ceramic rod.
And they still fly like lasers from the Widow.