Just got back from the in-laws ( one set anyway) and the wife and I got combo gifts lmao.
$50 cash and a RightWay GPS system (the wife gets lost alot lmao)
They are prissy snooty asses and they decided 3-4 years they didn't like me anymore (because I didn't want to bow down and kiss ass and like their money being held over my head and do as they said anymore....pfft assholes. ) Those gifts where intended for the wife but to be polite in front of my kids they added my name to them lmao.
I know what the wife got me for tomorrow so shhh don't tell her

. Long Johns !!! whoo hoo. Come on late season hunting

My mother is picking me up a trailer wiring kit so I can hook up the trailer I purchased off Milo and haul it legally with brake/turn signal lights working lmao.
I'm not sure what the other set of in-laws got me yet. Will have to wait until Sunday after church for that
