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What does the Fox say?


Dignitary Member
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Stark County


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*Supporting Member*
I'll be damned. I hear that sound from my porch from time to time. I've seen fox out here, just didn't know their sound.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
When they get to yipping fast and frequent, it'll make the hair stand up on your neck! First time we heard it, we were about 13 and was camping at the creek. Don't think anyone slept a wink after that...lol.....:smiley_crazy:


*Supporting Member*
Yep, I remember my dad telling me when he was younger, that he thought he heard a woman screaming down in the woods one night. He went looking for her.

Yes! Many years ago I thought a lady was up in the woods screaming at night. I started part way up the hill, (scared to death) but then the noise ended.


Junior Member
My wife asked me if I'd ever seen this video. I said no. We only get service in the window at our house so she went over and pulled up the video. As I'm watching it she said holy crap look! There was a fox standing in our drive way. Pretty crazy haha


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I took a guy hunting from work once. He wanted to go see what it was all about. First time ever. He was convinced this woman was up the holler screaming for help. He wouldn't hush about it. Finally I told him to walk up the ridge to the right and walk back there. Then dip down the side and walk the hollow back to the stand. He didn't find the woman but I got a free deer driver. Too bad it didn't work that would have been one for the books. Lol.


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
My wife asked me if I'd ever seen this video. I said no. We only get service in the window at our house so she went over and pulled up the video. As I'm watching it she said holy crap look! There was a fox standing in our drive way. Pretty crazy haha

So what did the fox in your driveway say?

Sorry couldn't resist myself.


*Supporting Member*
I took a guy hunting from work once. He wanted to go see what it was all about. First time ever. He was convinced this woman was up the holler screaming for help. He wouldn't hush about it. Finally I told him to walk up the ridge to the right and walk back there. Then dip down the side and walk the hollow back to the stand. He didn't find the woman but I got a free deer driver. Too bad it didn't work that would have been one for the books. Lol.

That's hilarious!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I took a guy hunting from work once. He wanted to go see what it was all about. First time ever. He was convinced this woman was up the holler screaming for help. He wouldn't hush about it. Finally I told him to walk up the ridge to the right and walk back there. Then dip down the side and walk the hollow back to the stand. He didn't find the woman but I got a free deer driver. Too bad it didn't work that would have been one for the books. Lol.

By any chance did you try the .... sugar baby / deer poop gag on this newbie ??


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I posted a recording on here a few years back of that going on behind my house. It was down in hollow and was clueless as to what it was until someone on here identified it. I thought it was some kind of bird. It would do it at like 3:00am for 3 nights straight.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Do I dare ask what that is?

You don't know ????? Oh my. It's when you have a new hunter with you in the woods. You have a bag of Sugar babies. Without the new hunter looking, you drop a handful on the ground & then say... hey looky here. The guy comes over. You kneel down, take some of the candy .... now remember, they do look like deer turds, & you put some in your mouth. You look up at you partner & proclaim it's a buck ( or doe ). The look on their face will be priceless, but then you get to tell him that it's his turn when you actually do come across some deer turds......lol


*Supporting Member*
You don't know ????? Oh my. It's when you have a new hunter with you in the woods. You have a bag of Sugar babies. Without the new hunter looking, you drop a handful on the ground & then say... hey looky here. The guy comes over. You kneel down, take some of the candy .... now remember, they do look like deer turds, & you put some in your mouth. You look up at you partner & proclaim it's a buck ( or doe ). The look on their face will be priceless, but then you get to tell him that it's his turn when you actually do come across some deer turds......lol

Well, that would be fun! Never heard of it. My Uncle did take me snipe hunting when I was young. :smiley_blackeye: