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What have you done for Your lake


Dignitary Member
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NE Ohio
Orbs- possibly specs of dust?
Nope. The two different angles were taken seconds apart. No breeze , rain or dust.

That’s what’s so puzzling. It’s not the first time I have had them show up in pictures taken back to back... That area is not known as a “spooky place. It could have something to do with the old beams but I just don’t know and thought it would be an opportunity to show and ask the group.
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Cull buck specialist
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Dignitary Member
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NE Ohio
The club's beginning had a rough start as the first 10 years of its existence was also the years of "The great Depression" (historically between 1928-1938) It once had clay tennis courts. I suppose the high upkeep would have made it the first area to be abandoned. All that remains now are a few of the steel posts that once outlined the courts. As with everything, nature reclaims that which was once hers.




Dignitary Member
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NE Ohio
When the property was being laid out around 1928, It was done by old school sportsmen.

Back in the woods, at a point just above where two feeder streams merge after a meandering a mile further inland to the East, is “The Hatchery”.


Two large swimming pool size shallow ponds were dug out for the purpose of raising fish for ongoing stocking of the lake. Each 3-4 foot above the stream in elevation with an old 12” pipe going from the pool to the stream that would be blocked until the young fish were ready to be released then removed. I have found old 2”-3” pipes half buried in the stream bank that I can only assume were used to flood water into the pools when ready to flush the fry.





They had gone out of use years before I was born. As kids they were just a foot deep and long-forgotten landmarks we used as we roamed the woods and surrounding country side.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Fascinating history Jim. Better make sure the girls and grandkids hear as much of this as possible. (I'm sure they have but how much they absorbed might be the question.lol)
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Left field

Active Member
What lurks below...

We have a 8 (ish) acre lake. Originally dug in the late 1920's as 10 acres. Nearly drained in the 1960-61 era. In the late 1950-1960's they would send my aunt in her Jeep Willie down the hardware store to pick up a case of dynamite, caps or fuse.

In the 70's as kids, I can remember my brother and I fishing with Gramps every Friday all summer after summer. We caught various Bluegills, perch, the occasional sucker, catfish and bass. Ran turtle lines and frog gigged through out our childhood. He taught us to shoot and the basics of tracking.

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This lake has been fished and/or hunted by 5 generations. An unknown amount of Bass were added in the 70's. Nothing much was added aside from a dozen white amour "years" ago. There are only a couple left today but they are over 3 ft. long and big around as my leg.

In 2003, I put in 200 catfish. Less than half a dozen were caught over the years. That year they sold for 0.60 cents a piece.
Today we bought 400 catfish. They sell for 0.80 cents each. Our county SWCD fish sale pick-up day was today.

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I needed my lake water in a couple of tubs to transport em back. (15 min drive home)

Carsyn, my oldest grandson helped my release the last 200.

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He learned about the barbs the hard way and dropped it. We got em in the water.

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View attachment 77095 tugging buy dynamite and blasting caps at a hardware store and a classic keep awsome thread , sure you have great memories there , and now your grandkids are helping 😍


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I just revisited this thread and smiled through it all Jim. The amount of great memories this lake gave you, Jeff and your family is limitless. Though many are gone you still have so much knowledge to pass along to your younger generations of this awesome ground.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was glad to see it pop up too. Jeff's post made me do a double take on who I was reading. Yep. Read it right. It was Jeff. I'm sure it is tough for you, Jim. Keep passing the info onto the grandkids. Hopefully they cherish it like you have.