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What would you do?

Hunter II

Junior Member
Wife came home tonight and told me there is a deer down the road that had been probably hit by a car. It was flopping around and some guy was just standing there with it.

We were leaving as soon a she got home and had to pass by the scene.

It turned out to be a doe fawn with both back legs broken. The man was still there and there was also a young woman who was trying to keep the deer out of the road. They said they had called animal control.

What would you do?

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Supporting Member
Ross County, Ohio
Call the sheriff or Highway Patrol, explain the situation, then ask them about putting the deer out of it's misery. If the deer is worth salvaging for meat, then I'm sure a 'Release Receipt' will be written up by the officer that shows up at the accident scene for the person that hit the deer, or for whomever wants it at the scene if the person that hit the deer doesn't want it.
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Call the sheriff or Highway Patrol, explain the situation, then ask them about putting the deer out of it's misery. If the deer is worth salvaging for meat, then I'm sure a 'Release Receipt' will be written up by the officer that shows up at the accident scene for the person that hit the deer, or for whomever wants it at the scene if the person that hit the deer doesn't want it.



Well-Known Member
Nw oh
I had this exact same thing happen a few years back. I had a .22 mag with me. The woman who hit the deer we kinda new and she was fine with me putting a suffering young buck with a broken back down but her bitch ass friend pulled up threatening me with the legality of it all. the state patrol 15mins away but the buck thrashed violently with half its body in motion clearly not enjoying the last agonizing long moments of its life waiting on a trooper. I never got the gun out during my time there and ended up driving off.

Hunter II

Junior Member
Much to the woman's surprise, I put a knife between the crippled deers ribs. The woman said that they had called 'animal control' and she thought that they would take it to a vet. Some people are completely clueless.
It may be illegal to do, but I have put them down before and will continue to do it in the future.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
Just went thru this some kids hit a deer and had called the sheriff wasn't there yet and they said it had been a little while since they hit it. I Walked over to it stepped on its head and cut her throat she was dead before I got back in the truck. I know I've heard it's illegal to put one down but I dont know anyone who has ever gotten in trouble for it. They can fugg off if they think letting a animal suffer is better than letting a passer by help out.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Much to the woman's surprise, I put a knife between the crippled deers ribs. The woman said that they had called 'animal control' and she thought that they would take it to a vet. Some people are completely clueless.
It may be illegal to do, but I have put them down before and will continue to do it in the future.

Animal control taking it to a vet? Who is fitting the bill for this awesome gesture shes concocted in her liberal assed mind?!?! Tax payers I presume? It’s amazing what goes through the minds of these snowflakes these days!
A few years ago there was a fresh roadkill laying off the road not far from the local HS in our area. It wasn’t there a day when I drove by the next day and some snowflake laid a blanket over it,(I guess it was just too overwhelming for this person). Another day later the blanket was either drug away by the yotes or blown away from the wind but it was laying 20 yards away. The snowflake must have been holding a vigil for this animal cuz this blanket was placed back on top of the now bloated rotting carcass to where the buzzards started bitching! WTH?!?! I don’t know whatever happened to the darn thing as I stopped driving into work that route but, WHO DOES THIS?!?! 😳🙄


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Animal control taking it to a vet? Who is fitting the bill for this awesome gesture shes concocted in her liberal assed mind?!?! Tax payers I presume? It’s amazing what goes through the minds of these snowflakes these days!
A few years ago there was a fresh roadkill laying off the road not far from the local HS in our area. It wasn’t there a day when I drove by the next day and some snowflake laid a blanket over it,(I guess it was just too overwhelming for this person). Another day later the blanket was either drug away by the yotes or blown away from the wind but it was laying 20 yards away. The snowflake must have been holding a vigil for this animal cuz this blanket was placed back on top of the now bloated rotting carcass to where the buzzards started bitching! WTH?!?! I don’t know whatever happened to the darn thing as I stopped driving into work that route but, WHO DOES THIS?!?! 😳🙄
I’d of tied a get well soon Mylar ballon on it....


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The three times I've seen a LEO have to dispatch one they always miss the first shot. How embarrassing. 😅

From a legal standpoint, if you're going to use a firearm drag it away from the road first. A good rule of thumb is the other side of the telephone poles. That way there's no question regarding dispatching a firearm "on, from, or across any roadway"

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I came up on a vehicle/deer collision several years ago. The man that hit the deer was furious about his truck and claimed the deer had flopped into the brush alongside the road. It was before sunrise on the Tuesday morning of gun season. I grabbed a light and found the deer, which was a dandy buck. It was obvious he wasn’t going to make it with three of his four legs broken. I called the sheriff. They said it would be a while before they could get anyone out to the scene. I planned to take the deer and didn’t want to wait so I told the deputy on the phone that I had a shotgun in the truck. He told me to go ahead and dispatch him. It was a weird thing standing on the just off the road aiming a 12 gauge with the aid of a Mag light at a big buck on the second morning of gun season. Lol. The deers body was so mangled I wound up cutting off his head and taking it to the Sherriff’s office for a tag. Again, nothing felt right about any of it.
The three times I've seen a LEO have to dispatch one they always miss the first shot. How embarrassing. 😅

From a legal standpoint, if you're going to use a firearm drag it away from the road first. A good rule of thumb is the other side of the telephone poles. That way there's no question regarding dispatching a firearm "on, from, or across any roadway"
I think its hilarious. Cause most of them haven't fired their duty weapon since they qualified last year.
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I came up on a vehicle/deer collision several years ago. The man that hit the deer was furious about his truck and claimed the deer had flopped into the brush alongside the road. It was before sunrise on the Tuesday morning of gun season. I grabbed a light and found the deer, which was a dandy buck. It was obvious he wasn’t going to make it with three of his four legs broken. I called the sheriff. They said it would be a while before they could get anyone out to the scene. I planned to take the deer and didn’t want to wait so I told the deputy on the phone that I had a shotgun in the truck. He told me to go ahead and dispatch him. It was a weird thing standing on the just off the road aiming a 12 gauge with the aid of a Mag light at a big buck on the second morning of gun season. Lol. The deers body was so mangled I wound up cutting off his head and taking it to the Sherriff’s office for a tag. Again, nothing felt right about any of it.
Best you can do in that situation. So many people have trouble understanding that though.