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What's For Dinner?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Good idea with the food thread BTW. I have an idea as well. Maybe this summer sometime we could do a TOO buffet. Possibly at the gettogether. Every body bring something that they have harvested. Deer, turkey, fish,... even something that came out of our gardens. (BTW beentown, I'll be happy to take some of those tomatoes off your hands again this year) Trade recipies, get fat, belch a lot, and wash it all down with some beer.

Dante I should have plenty of veggies including tomatoes for you this year again. Glad you enjoyed some last season.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang, this is a good idea! And everything looks really good! I'll be posting a lot of pizza pictures here.....ugh.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't cook, but I will take some notes and try to surprise the Mrs one of these nights.

I have two thoughts here: JB- Huck is right. How much are going to be leftovers? You guys can chow down some food! Second thought: Who is selling pampered chef on TOO? Is this really Kendra's pampered chef website or is Mikey moonlighting? Makes ya think. lmao


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
This is a great thread! Some dang good eats being posted here! We'll be grilling on Saturday for my daughters b-day and I'll post a pic of the grill spread then!

Thanks for the marinade recipe Flutie! I'll give that a try!

Here are a few tips you might like to try of mine:

When grilling burgers or steaks I like to top them off with as much of them Frenches Fried Onion rings( the kind you top off a greenbean casserole with)as I can. They top off barbecue cheese burgers just fine. I put them on when I just have a few minutes left to cook with the hood down so's they crisp up a bit. I like Sweet Baby Rays but many others are great TOO!
Also found a bottle of meat/steak marinade thats got great flavor called, "Dale's" marinade at Meijers awhile back that's worth trying. It's concentrated and is very flavorful after only 30 minutes in the fridge. Hope you like these ideas.
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DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Grilled up some split/half chickens last night.

I start out with spraying a little vinegar/oil/water mixture on them, and then rubbing them down with seasoning. For chickens I like Tony's Creole, Lawrey seasoning salt, and pepper. I also added some Montreal Chicken to these.


I then cover them up and let them sit at room temp for 15-20 minutes (usually the amount of time it takes to get the charcoal going and burnt down.


I use one canister of charcoal and crack a cold Busch Light (this is a must when charcoal grilling).


Have a few cold ones while the charcoal burns down and let the seasoning really soak into the chicken, once the charcoal is almost all the way gray, I'm ready to throw the food on. For this batch of chicken, I tossed in a Wild Cherry log for some smoke flavor.


I threw these chicken halves on the bottom right above the coals for a couple minutes on each side to seer the seasoning in real good, then stick them on the top rack and close the lid.


These take about an hour or so cooking them "low and slow" which I like to do about everything I cook. I like to keep my heat between 170-225 and keep the lid shut. Every 20 minutes or so I open it up and give the chickens a spray of my vinegar/oil/water mixture just to keep it nice and moist.


Apparently the picture of the finished chicken didn't take or didn't save, but they turned out darn good!


*Supporting Member*
How did you cut the fries so prefectly by hand? That looks like a good dinner BTW.

Its a char coal starter. You can buy them for like 7-10 bucks at lowes. You can use it for starting natural char coal and briquettes.

I'd love to help ya out Badger. What time should I be over for dinner?

That looks great!!

Awesome idea Badger, I grill out on Charcoal 3 or 4 times a week, so I will try to get some pictures and short write ups when I do. I'm like you though, I feel like i'm making the same 4 or 5 items every time I grill, looking forward to some more ideas.

Grilled up some split/half chickens last night.

I start out with spraying a little vinegar/oil/water mixture on them, and then rubbing them down with seasoning. For chickens I like Tony's Creole, Lawrey seasoning salt, and pepper. I also added some Montreal Chicken to these.

View attachment 6767

I then cover them up and let them sit at room temp for 15-20 minutes (usually the amount of time it takes to get the charcoal going and burnt down.

View attachment 6765

I use one canister of charcoal and crack a cold Busch Light (this is a must when charcoal grilling).

View attachment 6770

Have a few cold ones while the charcoal burns down and let the seasoning really soak into the chicken, once the charcoal is almost all the way gray, I'm ready to throw the food on. For this batch of chicken, I tossed in a Wild Cherry log for some smoke flavor.

View attachment 6768

I threw these chicken halves on the bottom right above the coals for a couple minutes on each side to seer the seasoning in real good, then stick them on the top rack and close the lid.

View attachment 6766

These take about an hour or so cooking them "low and slow" which I like to do about everything I cook. I like to keep my heat between 170-225 and keep the lid shut. Every 20 minutes or so I open it up and give the chickens a spray of my vinegar/oil/water mixture just to keep it nice and moist.

View attachment 6769

Apparently the picture of the finished chicken didn't take or didn't save, but they turned out darn good!

I bet that chicken was awesome!

I bought two thick cut chuck steaks yesterday for $3.49 a pound. They are going to take about a six hour bath before I turn them into fajitas. I'll post pics later on.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I don't cook, but I will take some notes and try to surprise the Mrs one of these nights.

I have two thoughts here: JB- Huck is right. How much are going to be leftovers? You guys can chow down some food! Second thought: Who is selling pampered chef on TOO? Is this really Kendra's pampered chef website or is Mikey moonlighting? Makes ya think. lmao

In all honesty, I purposely made a bunch of food last night so I could have leftovers for lunch. My wife doesn't eat much, but I take up the slack. Back when Pizza Hut used to have the "Dinner for Four" meal, we'd walk out of there with no pizza or breadsticks left. lmao Just ask Hoyt... He saw what I could do to a breakfast platter.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ahh, yeah, Just kill it.

I'm with this, or badger's suggestion to send a woman to do it. I absolutely HATE grocery shopping, when I'm with my wife at least. We argue about what meals to make and what food to buy. Now, I don't mind going by myself sometimes... There's usually a good deal of eye candy walking those grocery isles. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I am a bit different in that I like to grocery shop for specific dinners. Now doing the heaping cart thing I will pass. Lol


*Supporting Member*
I am a bit different in that I like to grocery shop for specific dinners. Now doing the heaping cart thing I will pass. Lol

Agreed Charles. I don't mind a quick hit to grab what I need for that day, or the next, but I hate being there for more than about ten minutes.


Huck, here's a quick rundown on some grilling tips for ya.

I mentioned above I did the water bath for the cheap steaks yesterday. They stayed at 130 for almost seven hrs.

This is the bottom of the charcoal starter. You load this with roughly four sheets of balled up newspaper. This prevents the need for stinky lighter fluid. Simply turn it over, fill it with charcoal an, and light. Depending on the charcoal and wind, you should have hot coals in no more than thirty minutes.

Next I like to use half an onion and some non stick spray to clean up the grate and get ready for the steaks.

We decided to for go the fajitas and just eat them as a steak with potatoes and caramelized apples.



Senior Member
Nicely done once again Dale. With all this red meat you consume I'm glad to see you recently had your cholesterol checked out.